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Mobile and Wireless Networking

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1 Mobile and Wireless Networking
Lecture 16 Dr. Xinbing Wang

2 Part 3: Current Wireless Systems
Cellular network architecture: UMTS (Chapter 10) Mobile IP (Chapter 12) Wireless LAN (Chapters 11/13/14) Classification: Wireless LANs, PANs, and MANs WiFi or IEEE Network architecture, fact sheets, pros and cons Physical medium Protocol architecture: PCF and DCF MAC: three methods, CSMA, DCF, and PCF WiMAX or IEEE (Broadband Access) In our daily lives, wireless communication technology is used everywhere, from VCR remote control, to satellite weather forecast. The common characteristics of wireless communication systems is that there is no physical (visible) lines between two communication parties. Therefore, a wireless system is able to support user roaming. For example, we do not have to use a remote control in a particular position to.., we can use our cellular phones almost everywhere. However, there are many impairments to a wireless channel, causing a lot of limitations to wireless communications system such as geographical.. (signal fading, additional noise, cochannel interference. Wireless systems also suffers from limit usable spectral width, so that the transmission rate is relatively low. Specifically, wireless cellular systems based on radio propagation has been evolving from narrow band (1G, late 170s) to wide-band(3G). With their geographical coverage limitation, wireless systems need a backbone network to extend their geographical coverage to enable global communications. The interoworking of a wireless network as the front-end and the Internet as the backbone has received much attention in recent years. So we will first take a look at the network architecture of current wireless systems,…, Then we will talk about the evolution from 2G to 3G systems. Dr. Xinbing Wang

3 Method 3: DFWMAC-PCF (1) The access mechanisms presented so far cannot guarantee a maximum access delay or minimum transmission bandwidth. To provide a time bounded service, the standards specify a Point Coordination Function (PCF) on top of the DCF mechanisms. Using PCF requires an access point that can controls medium access and polls the single nodes. Ad Hoc networks cannot use this function. Dr. Xinbing Wang

4 Method 3: DFWMAC-PCF (2) t0 t1 SuperFrame medium busy PIFS SIFS SIFS D1 D2 point coordinator SIFS SIFS U1 U2 wireless stations NAV stations‘ NAV At time t0 the contention-free period should start, but another station is transmitting data After the medium has been idle, the PCF has to wait for PIFS before accessing the medium. The point coordinator now sends data D1 to the first station. The station can answer after SIFS. After waiting for SIFS, the point coordinator can poll the second station by sending D2 (downstream). The second station replies with U2 (upstream) Dr. Xinbing Wang

5 Method 3: DFWMAC-PCF (3) t2 t3 t4 PIFS SIFS D3 D4 CFend point coordinator SIFS U4 wireless stations stations‘ NAV NAV contention free period t contention period Polling continues with the third node which has nothing to answer. After waiting for PIFS, the point coordinator can issue an end marker (CFend), indicating that the contention period may start again. The cycle starts again with the next superframe Dr. Xinbing Wang

6 802.11 - Frame format Types Sequence numbers Addresses Miscellaneous
control frames, management frames, data frames Sequence numbers important against duplicated frames due to lost ACKs Addresses receiver, transmitter (physical), BSS identifier, sender (logical) Miscellaneous sending time, checksum, frame control, data bytes 2 2 6 6 6 2 6 0-2312 4 Frame Control Duration/ ID Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Sequence Control Address 4 Data CRC bits 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Protocol version Type Subtype To DS From DS More Frag Retry Power Mgmt More Data WEP Order Dr. Xinbing Wang

7 Special Frames: ACK, RTS, CTS
Acknowledgement Request To Send Clear To Send bytes 2 Frame Control 2 Duration 6 Receiver Address 4 CRC ACK bytes 2 2 6 6 4 Frame Control Duration Receiver Address Transmitter Address CRC RTS bytes 2 2 6 4 Frame Control Duration Receiver Address CRC CTS Dr. Xinbing Wang

8 802.11 - Roaming Scanning Reassociation Request Reassociation Response
scan the environment, i.e., listen into the medium for beacon signals or send probes into the medium and wait for an answer Reassociation Request station sends a request to one or several AP(s) Reassociation Response success: AP has answered, station can now participate failure: continue scanning AP accepts Reassociation Request signal the new station to the distribution system the distribution system updates its data base (i.e., location information) typically, the distribution system now informs the old AP so it can release resources Dr. Xinbing Wang

9 Part 3: Current Wireless Systems
Cellular network architecture: UMTS (Chapter 10) Mobile IP (Chapter 12) Wireless LAN (Chapters 11/13/14) Classification: Wireless LANs, PANs, and MANs WiFi or IEEE Network architecture, fact sheets, pros and cons Physical medium Protocol architecture: PCF and DCF MAC: three methods, CSMA, DCF, and PCF WiMAX or IEEE (Broadband Access) Wireless local loop (WLL) and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) service WiMAX In our daily lives, wireless communication technology is used everywhere, from VCR remote control, to satellite weather forecast. The common characteristics of wireless communication systems is that there is no physical (visible) lines between two communication parties. Therefore, a wireless system is able to support user roaming. For example, we do not have to use a remote control in a particular position to.., we can use our cellular phones almost everywhere. However, there are many impairments to a wireless channel, causing a lot of limitations to wireless communications system such as geographical.. (signal fading, additional noise, cochannel interference. Wireless systems also suffers from limit usable spectral width, so that the transmission rate is relatively low. Specifically, wireless cellular systems based on radio propagation has been evolving from narrow band (1G, late 170s) to wide-band(3G). With their geographical coverage limitation, wireless systems need a backbone network to extend their geographical coverage to enable global communications. The interoworking of a wireless network as the front-end and the Internet as the backbone has received much attention in recent years. So we will first take a look at the network architecture of current wireless systems,…, Then we will talk about the evolution from 2G to 3G systems. Dr. Xinbing Wang

10 Wireless Local Loop (WLL)
Wired technologies responding to need for reliable, high-speed access by residential, business, and government subscribers ISDN, xDSL, cable modems Increasing interest shown in competing wireless technologies for subscriber access Wireless local loop (WLL) Narrowband – offers a replacement for existing telephony services Broadband – provides high-speed two-way voice and data service Dr. Xinbing Wang

11 WLL Configuration Dr. Xinbing Wang

12 Advantages of WLL over Wired Approach
Cost – wireless systems are less expensive due to cost of cable installation that’s avoided Installation time – WLL systems can be installed in a small fraction of the time required for a new wired system Selective installation – radio units installed for subscribers who want service at a given time With a wired system, cable is laid out in anticipation of serving every subscriber in a given area Dr. Xinbing Wang

13 Propagation Considerations for WLL
Most high-speed WLL schemes use millimeter wave frequencies (10 GHz to about 300 GHz) There are wide unused frequency bands available above 25 GHz At these high frequencies, wide channel bandwidths can be used, providing high data rates Small size transceivers and adaptive antenna arrays can be used Dr. Xinbing Wang

14 Propagation Considerations for WLL
Millimeter wave systems have some undesirable propagation characteristics Free space loss increases with the square of the frequency; losses are much higher in millimeter wave range Above 10 GHz, attenuation effects due to rainfall and atmospheric or gaseous absorption are large Multipath losses can be quite high Dr. Xinbing Wang

15 802.16 Standards Development
Use wireless links with microwave or millimeter wave radios Use licensed spectrum Are metropolitan in scale Provide public network service to fee-paying customers Use point-to-multipoint architecture with stationary rooftop or tower-mounted antennas Provide efficient transport of heterogeneous traffic supporting quality of service (QoS) Are capable of broadband transmissions (>2 Mbps) Dr. Xinbing Wang

16 IEEE 802.16 Protocol Architecture
Dr. Xinbing Wang

17 Protocol Architecture: PHY and MAC
Physical and transmission layer functions: Encoding/decoding of signals Preamble generation/removal Bit transmission/reception Medium access control layer functions: On transmission, assemble data into a frame with address and error detection fields On reception, disassemble frame, and perform address recognition and error detection Govern access to the wireless transmission medium Dr. Xinbing Wang

18 Protocol Architecture: Convergence
Convergence layer functions: Encapsulate PDU framing of upper layers into native MAC/PHY frames Map upper layer’s addresses into addresses Translate upper layer QoS parameters into native MAC format Adapt time dependencies of upper layer traffic into equivalent MAC service Dr. Xinbing Wang

19 IEEE 802.16 Services 802.16.1 802.16.3 Digital audio/video multicast
Digital telephony ATM Internet protocol Bridged LAN Back-haul Frame relay Voice transport Data transport Dr. Xinbing Wang

20 WiMAX Forum The WiMAX mission is to make the interoperable. Just like WiFi did for No WiMAX compliant products today, foreseen during The first WiMAX products will be based on d. Intel is the most powerful player in WiMAX forum Architecture specification work initiated in a new sub-group No single global spectrum assigned, possibilites: 5.8 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 2.5 GHz, (IMT-2000 more likely in this band), and 2.3 GHz Dr. Xinbing Wang

21 WiMAX Standards Roadmaps
WiMAX = interoperable subset of this (< 6 GHz) Some Mobility 2005 ? 802.16e Similar to .16a Errata Jul 2004 802.16d 2 – 11 GHz NLOS Jan 2003 802.16a 802.16 10 – 66 GHz LOS Sep 2000 NOTE: IEEE specifies only layer 1 & 2 Dr. Xinbing Wang

22 Applications of Dr. Xinbing Wang

23 WiMAX Segments, High Level Pros and Cons
Backhaul, Fixed, point to point – LOS High Bitrate Low Interference Clear Signal – No multipath fading Relatively Low Cost DSL, Fixed up to portable, Point to point, point to multipoint – NLOS Relative high bitrate, but lower One cell Still relative cheap Low to moderate interference-> Static radio environment WAN and Mobile environment Significantly lower bitrate High interference. More multipath fading and dopplershift effects Dr. Xinbing Wang

24 IEEE 802.16 Standards 802.16 802.16d/HiperMAN 802.16e Completed
WiMAX 802.16 802.16d/HiperMAN 802.16e Completed December 2001 June 2004 (802.16d) Estimate 2005 Spectrum GHz < 11 GHz < 6 GHz Channel Conditions Line of Sight Only Non Line of Sight Bit Rate 32 – 134 Mbps in 28MHz channel bandwidth Up to 75 Mbps in 20MHz channel bandwidth Up to 15 Mbps in 5MHz channel bandwidth Modulation QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM OFDM 256 FFT QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM Scalable OFDMA 128 to 2048 FFT Mobility Fixed Portable Channel Bandwidths 20, 25 and 28 MHz 1.75 to 20 MHz Dr. Xinbing Wang

25 Relation to Other Technologies
Whether a will complement or clash with certain other technologies remains to be seen. For a while, at least, it will certainly be complementary to a, enabling Wi-Fi users to dramatically extend their distance from wired networks. Dr. Xinbing Wang

26 Theoretical WiMAX Raw Bandwidth (Mbit/s)*
Modulation / Code rate 1,75 MHz 3,5 MHz 7,0MHz 14,0 MHz 20,0 MHz 1.45 2.91 5.82 11.64 16.26 QPSK 1/2 QPSK 3/4 2.18 4.36 8.73 17.45 24.40 34.91 48.79 16 QAM 3/4 16 QAM 1/2 23.27 32.53 64 QAM 2/3 64 QAM 3/4 46.55 65.05 6.55 13.09 26.18 52.36 73.19 *OFDM 256 FFT. Includes MAC and preamble overhead Dr. Xinbing Wang

27 Theoretical Coverage (Km)*
Type of Area Rooftop Antenna Window/Fixed Antenna Indoor/Portable Antenna Rural <20 Km using NLOS** <8 Km <4 Km Suburban N/A <4 Km <2 Km Urban N/A <2 Km <1 Km *Approximate distances only, depends heavily on geographical area **<50 Km is the theoretical maximum for LOS. Assumption is a NLOS base station and a rooftop antenna for better reception and maximum uplink power Dr. Xinbing Wang

28 Portability (Mobility) in 802.16e
New network reference model New BS-BS interface (IB) and BS-server interface (A) defined, mobile subscriber station (MSS) Authentication and service authorization (ASA) servers provide authorization, authentication, billing, management, provisioning and other services. EAP is defined for SIM cards, and other means of Authentication (Extensible Auth. Protocol). Dr. Xinbing Wang

29 Mobility in e – Layer 2 Handover (HO) process defined in MAC including cell reselection target BS scanning network re-entry HO decision and initiation and HO cancellation. MAC messages for each of the handover functions defined. Broadcast paging message defined. Neighbor topology advertisement messages defined. Option of using mobile IP provided. Full QoS supported. All four GSM/WCDMA classes. Dr. Xinbing Wang

30 Some Differences with 802.11 MAC OFDM Spectrum
802.11: Contention-based MAC (CSMA/CA), basically wireless Ethernet. 802.16: Dynamic TDMA-based MAC with on-demand bandwidth allocation. OFDM 802.11a: 64 FTTs 802.16d: 256 FFTs Spectrum 802.11: limited channels in Un-license spectrum 802.16: multiple channels in licensed & Un-license spectrum Dr. Xinbing Wang

31 CPE: Customer Premise Chips
Comparison and Technology Range Coverage Data rate Scalability QOS 802.11 < 300 feet Optimized for indoor short range 2.7 bps/Hz peak. <= 54Mbps in 20MHz 1-10 CPE CSMA/CA No QOS 802.16 < 30 Mile ( typical 3~4) Outdoor LOS & NLOS 5bps/Hz peak, <100Mbps in 20 MHz 1- hundreds CPE TDMA On demand BW  voice Video, data CPE: Customer Premise Chips Dr. Xinbing Wang

32 Broadband Wireless Systems
WiMAX Wireless Broadband Laptop centric Fixed  Portability Line-of-Sight & Non Line-of-Sight IEEE Layer 1 & 2 standard Data optimized Optimized for Fixed High data rate Evolution towards mobility Drivers: Data optimized network (simple) DSL complement 3G Evolved Mobile Broadband Phone & laptop Full mobility Non line-of-sight 3GPP and 3GPP2 standard Voice/data optimized Optimized for Mobility Evolution towards Higher Data Drivers: Mobile Broadband for incremental investment National & global roaming networks Dr. Xinbing Wang

33 Peak Bit Rates Comparison
Channel Bandwidth FDD/TDD Peak bit-rate DL Peak Bit-rate UL Standards compliant GSM/GPRS 3GPP FDD 160 kbps 160 kbps 200KHz EDGE FDD 480 kbps 480 kbps 3GPP WCDMA FDD/TDD 2 Mbps 2 Mbps 3GPP 5Mhz HSDPA FDD 14.4 Mbps 7.68 Mbps 3GPP CDMA2000 1x FDD 640 kbps 450 kbps 3GPP2 1xEV-DO 1.25 MHz FDD 3.1 Mbps 1.8 Mbps 3GPP2 1xEV-DV FDD 3.1 Mbps 1.8 Mbps 3GPP2 IEEE d -20 MHz FDD/TDD - 75 Mbps - 75 Mbps IEEE _ Flarion 1.25 MHz FDD 3.2 Mbps 900 kbps Dr. Xinbing Wang

34 Summary Cellular network architecture: UMTS (Chapter 10)
Mobile IP (Chapter 12) Wireless LAN (Chapters 11/13/14) Classification: Wireless LANs, PANs, and MANs WiFi or IEEE Network architecture, fact sheets, pros and cons Physical medium Protocol architecture: PCF and DCF MAC: three methods, CSMA, DCF, and PCF WiMAX or IEEE (Broadband Access) Wireless local loop (WLL) and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) services WiMAX Reading materials: http: // Dr. Xinbing Wang

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