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Unit 2: Energy Conservation and Transfer Focus: Fossil Fuels and Energy Presentations Day 2: 10/17/17 1. Turn in your homework. 2. Science starter: Copy:

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: Energy Conservation and Transfer Focus: Fossil Fuels and Energy Presentations Day 2: 10/17/17 1. Turn in your homework. 2. Science starter: Copy:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: Energy Conservation and Transfer Focus: Fossil Fuels and Energy Presentations Day 2: 10/17/17 1. Turn in your homework. 2. Science starter: Copy: Based on the information in the table, which mineral is also an element? Graphite Quartz Calcite Hematite 3. Copy today’s E.Q. Essential Question: p. 3 – What are the environmental consequences of obtaining, transforming, and distributing energy resources?

2 Plan for the Day Mini-lesson on fossil fuels Intro. and begin Energy Group Project – Google slides presentations Review homework

3 Homework Guided reading worksheet on nuclear energy

4 Essential Question: p. 3 – What are the environmental consequences of obtaining, transforming, and distributing energy resources?

5 Problems our future may hold if we don’t change what we do today:
Resource depletion – using up our resources pollution, acid rain, deforestation Food shortages Increases in prices Poor water and air quality Poor Health Wars over resources (food, water, medicine, space) Climate change Extinction (plant, animal and possibly human)

6 Answer yesterday’s E.Q. now!

7 Let’s begin with fossil fuels
Let’s begin with fossil fuels. They are the whole reason we study this unit. Can you remember some problems associated with fossil fuels?

8 Think about it: How can a fuel be a fossil?
= ? video clip on fossil fuels

9 Petroleum – crude oil Natural gas Coal

10 Applying two science concepts we learned in the chemistry unit…
1. Why do you suppose coal is pulverized into a fine powder before it goes into the boiler to be burned and heat water? 2. Think about the Law of Conservation of Matter. It says matter (atoms) cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be changed into different substances. Energy, like matter, cannot be created or destroyed either, but it can change form. This is called the Law of Conservation of Energy. How does energy change as it goes through the process of being made into electricity?

11 Let’s begin our group activity (presentations on energy resources)
Let’s begin our group activity (presentations on energy resources). Each group will have 5 questions to research about an energy resource. (The person who is responsible for question 1 will also be responsible for question 5). As you research, you will complete a chart and use the chart to help you design a google slideshow. You will present your slideshow to the class. Presentations will start next week OR MAYBE SOONER! Every person in the group will be responsible for sharing the info. you researched with the class. See the rubric on the instructions sheet.

12 Electricity is simply a flow of electrons.
Here are the steps for electricity production by most power plants. Some type of fuel (coal, oil, gas, biomass) is burned to produce heat. The heat heats up water turning it into steam. The steam, under pressure, turns a turbine. The turbine operates a generator, which is the machine that makes the electric current. The electricity (electrical energy) then travels along power lines, going through a few changes in voltage along the way before it gets to homes and businesses. ***YOU MUST HAVE SOME WAY TO OPERATE THE GENERATOR. IT TAKES A TURBINE TO DO THAT! SOMETHING HAS TO MAKE THE TURBINE SPIN. SOME WAYS OF GENERATING ELECTRICITY REQUIRE A FUEL TO BE BURNED TO CREATE STEAM…BUT NOT ALL. WE’LL LEARN ABOUT EACH ONE IN THIS UNIT.

13 Wrap-up What is the most important thing you learned today? Why is this important to you and your world? Be prepared to share.

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