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2 Introduction… Hello! My project is about global warming and how I intend to stop it and I have some ideas how to help stop litter, fossil fueling, and cutting down trees because its just mean and destroying animals homes and the Earth’s atmosphere.

3 Observed temperature changes…
From 1880 to 2012, the global (land and ocean) surface temperature has increased by around 1degree Celsius, multiple sources confirm. From 1906 to 2005 Earth's average surface temperature rose by almost 2 degrees Celsius. The rate of warming almost doubled in the last half of that period. The warming is evident in temperature records consistent with a wide range of observations, as documented by many scientific groups. Examples include: sea level rise, widespread melting of snow and land ice, increased heating of the oceans, increased humidity, and the earlier timing of spring events like the flowering of plants.

4 Regional trends and short-term Changes…
Temperature increases vary a lot across the Earth. Since 1979, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures. Ocean temperatures increase more slowly than land temperatures because of the larger heat capacity of the oceans and because oceans lose more heat by evaporation. Since the industrialization began, in the eighteenth century, the temperature difference between hemispheres has risen due to melting of sea ice and snow in the North. In the past one hundred years, arctic temperatures have been increasing at almost double the rest of the world. More greenhouse gases are released in the Northern, than in the Southern Hemisphere.

5 Warmest years and trends…
Sixteen of the seventeen warmest years recorded have occurred since Record-breaking years attract a lot of public interest. Some climatologists have criticized attention that the press gives to "warmest year" statistics. For example: ocean events such as El Niño can cause temperatures to be abnormally warm or cold for reasons unrelated to the overall trend of climate change. Gavin Schmidt stated "the long-term trends or the expected sequence of records are far more important than whether any single year is a record or not."

6 Ways to prevent Global Warming…
Drive less. Use bikes, walk, or carpool if possible. Consider buying a hybrid or electric vehicle. Replace the lightbulbs in and around your house with energy-efficient lighting like LEDs. Clean or replace your air filters monthly. Choose energy-efficient appliances. Use air travel less. Wash clothes in cold water and line-dry if possible.

7 Global warming Charts…

8 Thank you for watching my project, it was fun!!!!!!!!!!
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