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The Prime Minister and the Cabinet

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1 The Prime Minister and the Cabinet

2 The Prime Minister Head of the UK government forms a government by
deciding the number and nature of government department appointing the Cabinet and other ministers shapes government policy oversees the implementation of policy through the Civil Service and government agencies. What are the role and powers of the Prime Minister? Head of the UK government > by convention the leader of the party who wins a majority at the general election Head of the UK government forms a government by deciding the number and nature of government department appointing the Cabinet and other ministers – the PM exercises his power of patronage to appoint and dismiss members of the Cabinet defines government policy > leading govt figure in the House of Commons, plays an active role in legislature Oversees the implementation of policy through the Civil Service and govt agencies Civil service > There is sometimes a Deputy Prime Minister, but not always the case

3 The Cabinet The Government’s key decision-making body
About twenty of the most senior government ministers Secretaries of State (= heads of government departments) What does “the Cabinet” refer to? The Government’s key decision-making body About twenty of the most senior government ministers Secretaries of State (= heads of government departments) plus some other senior ministers Go through list – point out no deputy PM, Foreign Secretary, Chancellor, Home Secretary

4 Members of the Cabinet All Cabinet ministers must be serving MPs or peers Not experts Supported by the Civil Service and special advisers All Cabinet ministers must be serving MPs or peers – recent years custom favours members of the HoC whose members are directly elected bu the people This means that they are usually not experts > eg BJ, FS used to be a journalist and then Mayor of London Supported by the Civil Service and special advisors, who are experts in their field CS > fonctionnaires, who implement policy and run gov departments on a day to day basis – politically neutral, and remain in place when the government changes Special advisers > political appointees

5 Cabinet meetings Meet weekly at 10 Downing Street
Come to a majority decision following discussion and debate By convention, the Prime Minister is said to be 'primus inter pares' (first among equals) in Cabinet Cabinet members have collective responsibility Meet weekly – where? at 10 Downing Street Come to a majority decision following discussion and debate By convention, the Prime Minister is said to be 'primus inter pares' (first among equals) in Cabinet. Although the Cabinet’s point of view if very important, the Pm as Pm and as Party leader has a lot of influence on Cabinet decisions Cabinet members have collective responsibility > once a decision is taken, they must support it publicly and in Parliament – even if they disagree or were absent If they wish to break this rule, they must resign

6 Cabinet committees Most of the day-to-day work of the Cabinet is carried out by Cabinet committees Each committee has its own area of responsibility Decisions are binding on the entire Cabinet The details of the committee structure and membership are decided by the Prime Minister

7 The Shadow Cabinet An alternative cabinet, consisting of members of the largest Opposition party A shadow minister criticises the policies and actions of the minister, and promotes alternative policies Members of the shadow cabinet are often but not always appointed to a Cabinet post if and when their party gets into government.

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