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Bell Ringer – January 31, Take out a separate piece of paper and write today’s date on it. 2. Read the three sentences below. Identify which sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer – January 31, Take out a separate piece of paper and write today’s date on it. 2. Read the three sentences below. Identify which sentences."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bell Ringer – January 31, 2017 1. Take out a separate piece of paper and write today’s date on it. 2. Read the three sentences below. Identify which sentences use an apostrophe ( ’ ) correctly, and on your sheet of paper, explain how the apostrophe is used correctly. A. Stormy and gray, the cloud’s gathered on the horizon. B. The sun’s rays broke through the clouds warming the tennis players. C. The kitten, a small fuzzball, couldn’t gracefully jump onto the sofa. Get ready to move seats!

3 Write your first and last name on the notecard
Write your number, nice and big, on your notecard. Pass it up your row to me 

4 Comma Types Review Number off 1, 2, 3 – these are our three teams
The teacher will choose a comma type and a topic for each team to write on the board. 1 point for the winning team, each round—whoever is finished writing on the board first. Writer’s names will be drawn at random 2 judges will judge the correctness of the answer Once your pen is down, your answer is locked If you don’t know the answer, you can “tap out” by asking the teacher to draw another name and handing your pen to them

5 Reflection/Goal Setting
Staple this to your bell ringer paper and turn both into Sandusky on your way out

6 Book Club book talks

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