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Unit 2Travelling Reading I

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2 Unit 2Travelling Reading I
清潭中学 江芳

3 Objectives of Reading I
To read a letter about a holiday in Japan To expand vocabulary to talk about travelling To identify specific details by practising

4 Background information
It’s called “the Eastern Disneyland”. It’s in Tokyo of Japan. It’s a famous indoor theme park.(室内主题公园) It’s famous for “Hello kitty---a smart cartoon cat”. You can see wonderful performance (表演) and parade(游行)in it. You can play kinds of computer games in it. You can visit the well-known house---Hello Kitty’s house…

5 New words and Expressions
cute---lovely and pretty *Hello Kitty looks so cute that we all love it. *She is a cute and sweet cartoon cat. a cute cat with a bow indoor---carried on inside a building *There is an indoor swimming pool there. *Sanrio Puroland is a famous indoor park an indoor pool Shiny---smooth and bright. *Zhoujielun is like a shiny star. *Hello Kitty was wearing a shiny silk dress. a shiny star

6 march---walk with regular steps(齐步走)
*They were marching on the street . *They could march 20 kilomrtres a day. march on the street wave---move one’s hands up and down *Feijunlong and Niehaisheng were waving to the people in the car. *Hello Kitty waved to visitors while she was dancing. wave to the people

7 *The people in the picture are
clapping their hands *She danced so well that we all clapped our hands. clap hands scream---give a loud cry *The audience(观众) all screamed when they saw Liyuchun. *Hello Kitty danced so beautifully that everyone screamed. scream *Hello Kitty was wearing the crown on her head and the bow on her left ear. crown

8 *Sushi is a kind of Japanese food *Sandy will have sushi for dinner.
*There is a New Year’s parade on the street and children are wearing costumes. New Year’s parade *Sushi is a kind of Japanese food *Sandy will have sushi for dinner. Japanese sushi

9 Visiting Sanrio Puroland
Sandy visited Sanrio Puroland during the Spring Festival. She wrote a letter to Millie about it. Skimming(浏览) the whole letter and ask for the teacher’s help if you have any questions. Listen , read and choose the right answer. ( )1.Sandy spent _____in Sanrio Puroland. A. a whole day B. three days ( )2.What did Sandy buy for Millie? A. a toy cat B. a lovely purse ( )3.Did Sandy’s father go to Hello Kitty’s house with Sandy? A. Yes, he did B. No, he went to buy souvenirs. ( )4.When did they watch the parade ? A. in the morning B. in the afternoon ( )5.Where did Hello Kitty jump out from? A. a nice car B. a large gift box ( )6.Where are they going to visit tomorrow? A. the city center B. Sanrio Puroland A B B B B A

10 Complete the conversation
Sandy is back in Beijing. She is showing some photos to May. Please complete their conversation with your partner. Sandy: Sanrio Puroland is a famous___________ in Japan. I visited Hello Kitty’s house there. Look at these photos. May: What is this? Sandy: This is Hello Kitty’s bathroom. Everything there was so ______. May: Oh, It’s Hello Kitty. She’s so beautiful. Sandy: Yes, we were watching a _________there. The performers wore different _________.We were clapping our hands while they were __________across the park. It was the best part of the day. May: That sounds great. costumes cute marching parade theme park theme park cute parade costumes marching

11 Hello Kitty and her friend jumped out of the ____box.
Help Sandy add captions(图片说明) under the photos and put them in the right order before she shows them to her friends. 2 3 a b Hello Kitty and her friend jumped out of the ____box. Hello Kitty _______to us during the parade. waved gift 4 1 d 寿司 c I bought a soft toy there.I liked its_____golden dress. I liked the _____ in Japan. It was delicious. sushi shiny

12 T or F questions ( )1.Sandy and her parents went on a
trip at Sanrio Puroland of Japan. ( )2.Sandy spent two days in Sanrio Puroland. ( )3.The sitting room of Hello kitty’s house looked so nice and cute. ( )4.Sandy’s mother bought some souvenirs for her cousin. ( )5.Sandy has bought a lovely handbag for Millie. T F the whole day F bathroom F father F purse

13 ( )6.Mother bought sushi for Sandy at Sanrio Puroland for lunch.
apple pie sweets special biscuits ( )6.Mother bought sushi for Sandy at Sanrio Puroland for lunch. ( )7.When Hello Kitty jumped out of the gift box, all the people got excited. ( )8.Hello Kitty wore a shiny red dress and waved to people during the parade. ( )9.Sandy has taken lots of photos there. ( )10.Sandy’s family would have sushi and other Japanese food for breakfast. F T F golden T F dinner

14 Talk about the pictures What did Sandy and her parents see and do at Sanrio Puroland.

15 Write down one of your meaningful travelling experience.(一次有意义的旅游经历)
*Where did you go? *What did you see there ? *What did you buy? *What did you do there? * Were you very excited ?...

16 Homework *Read the new words and Sandy’s
letter after the tape for 15 minutes. *Try to retell the letter with the help of Sandy’s photos. *Look for more information about Sanrio Puroland on the Internet.

17 Thank you

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