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America Invents Act: Litigation Related Provisions

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1 America Invents Act: Litigation Related Provisions

2 Litigation Related Provisions
Prior User Rights Supplemental Examination Joinder of Parties Advice of Counsel Marking

3 Prior User Rights – 35 U.S.C. § 273
Prior user rights are expanded to all technologies No longer just business method claims A defense to infringement based on earlier commercial use of a process or instrumentality used in a manufacturing or other commercial process Applies to “internal commercial use” or “arm’s length sale” of the end result of the commercial use Section 5

4 Prior User Rights (continued)
Accused infringer must prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that its earlier commercial use was in the U.S., in good faith, AND Occurred at least 1 year before the earlier of: effective filing date of claimed invention OR date on which the claimed invention was disclosed to the public in a manner that qualified under §102(b) Section 5

5 Prior User Rights (continued)
Defense can only be asserted by person who performed the prior commercial use Cannot assert defense if: Subject matter was derived from patentee Claimed invention was, at the time the invention was made, owned or subject to an obligation of assignment to a university An infringer who fails to show a reasonable basis for asserting the defense is liable for attorneys fees under Section 285 (exceptional case) Applies to any patent issued on or after the date of enactment Section 5

6 Supplemental Examination – 35 U.S.C. § 257
Allows a patent owner to eliminate potential grounds of inequitable conduct relating to an issued patent Patent owner may request supplemental examination by USPTO to consider, reconsider or correct information believed to be relevant to the patent Request must raise a substantial new question of patentability Cannot be used: With respect to information forming the basis for an inequitable conduct allegation pled in a civil action or an ANDA Notice Letter, before the date of the request for supplemental examination Section 12

7 Supplemental Examination (continued)
If Director becomes aware that a material fraud on the PTO may have been committed in connection with the patent under supplemental examination, will refer the matter to the Attorney General Effective Date – 1 year after enactment Use of supplemental examination Prior to bringing suit Evaluation of key patents Section 12

8 Supplemental Examination (continued)
Less litigation on inequitable conduct: Supplemental examination Exergen Therasense Use of declaratory judgment to preempt supplemental examination Section 12

9 Joinder of Parties – 35 U.S.C. § 299
Limitations on Joinder of Accused Infringers Joinder, or consolidation for trial, allowed only when right to relief is asserted against the parties jointly, severally, or in the alternative with respect to or arising out of same transaction relating to the same accused product or process AND questions of fact common to all defendants will arise Accused infringers cannot be joined, or be consolidated for trial, based solely on allegations that they each have infringed the same patent Accused infringer may waive these limitations Do not apply to Hatch-Waxman drug litigation Section 19

10 Joinder of Parties (continued)
Effective date: actions commenced on or after the date of enactment Many multiparty actions were filed shortly before September 16

11 Advice of Counsel – 35 U.S.C. § 298
Cannot be used to prove willful infringement or that the infringer intended to induce infringement: failure to obtain legal advice with respect to any allegedly infringed patent OR failure to present such advice to the court or jury Codifies case law on willful infringement  Extends the case law to preclude the use of these facts to prove the alleged infringer intended to induce infringement Section 17

12 Marking – False Marking
Only United States may sue for the statutory penalty $500 for each offense A person who has suffered competitive injury can sue for recovery of damages adequate to compensate for the injury Marking a product with the number of an expired patent is not a violation Section 16

13 Marking – Virtual Marking
Mark product with “patent” or “pat.” and web address Web address (free access) associates patented article with patent number(s) Effective Date of marking provisions – apply to any case that is pending on, or commenced on or after, the date of enactment Director to report to Congress within 3 years on experience with virtual marking Section 16

14 NEW YORK 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY WASHINGTON 975 F Street, NW Washington, DC CALIFORNIA 650 Town Center Drive, Suite 1600 Costa Mesa, CA

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