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Completing your Graduation Course Planner in Naviance

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Presentation on theme: "Completing your Graduation Course Planner in Naviance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Completing your Graduation Course Planner in Naviance

2 The Graduation Course Planner is:
A tool for you to use to help you plan what courses you will take in high school. Allows you to quickly see if your plan fulfills high school graduation requirements Identifies areas where you can increase academic rigor to increase your college admission chances.

3 As 8th grade middle school students you will use the graduation course planner to plan out your 9th grade courses only.

4 To Get Started….Log Into Naviance

5 To create a course plan, click on the Courses Tab in Family Connection.

6 Click on Manage My Course Plans

7 Select “add a new plan” to begin building a plan.

8 Select the button next to High School and choose your desired high school from the dropdown list. Click “Create new draft plan.”

9 Select the plan of study shown below by clicking “choose this one.”
**You will only be selecting courses for 9th grade at this time.**

10 Start building the plan by clicking on one of the requirements on the left hand side of the screen

11 Make your 9th grade course selection for each requirement, then click “Add selected courses to your draft plan.” **Don’t forget to select an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ course.

12 Continue adding 9th grade courses until all 9th grade requirements have been satisfied.

13 Your plan can be viewed as it is being built
Your plan can be viewed as it is being built. Your final plan should have 7.00 credits.

14 Plans can be viewed by Requirements or
Grade Level under the “Review & Finalize” option.

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