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Log in to SRI using the information on your login card.

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2 Log in to SRI using the information on your login card.

3 Choose 3 Kinds of Books that You Like to Read

4 Take a Practice Test If you race through the test, the program will KNOW! Ask for help if you don’t understand the directions to the test. Your teacher CANNOT help you identify vocabulary or give you the answers.

5 Skips It’s important to always try your best on each question, but…
If you get stuck on a question, you can skip it. You are ONLY allowed to do this 3 times during the test. The skip button is located at the bottom of each page, on the right hand side. SKIP Button

6 When taking the SRI test….
Try your best! Don’t rush! This is NOT a timed test. Read directions carefully. Identify the important ideas. Complete the sentence and ask “Does it make sense?” Take a stretch break if needed! Use your skips if you are unsure of the answer!

7 Now, take the SRI Test!


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