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I miss all of you so much already!! Love, Coach C

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1 I miss all of you so much already!! Love, Coach C
5-January-2015 I miss all of you so much already!! Love, Coach C

2 YouTube Channel:
YouTube Channel:


4 Homework: Don’t get mad about this… it is an easy homework grade, and I am stuck on bed rest, so help me out. ½ to 1 page about “What did you over break?” I would normally ask you all, but since I am at home, I can’t do that. Tell me if you went out of town, something really funny happened or if something not so fun happened. Just because I am not HERE doesn’t mean I don’t care. How to get me your TYPED paper: In the subject put your first and last name and the CLASS PERIOD Type it up and turn it in to the basket: first and last name and the CLASS PERIOD – Kaylee or my daughter will get me the papers.

5 Schedule Notes Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (Unless it is a test day)
Quizzes on Tuesdays & Thursdays (Not this Tuesday- that would be mean and I am not that mean) Homework: Once a week. Generally a Review for the Unit that will be due the day of the test Great Depression Test: Friday, 16-January-2015 (2 weeks) Note Cards Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (No notecards on Quiz Days)

6 Mr. Pitre has a list…. Who the stamper will be.
Who will be in charge of passing out papers. Stamper: DO NOT STAMP IF THE CARD IS MISSING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Number Word Definition Picture Colored with at LEAST 3 DIFFERENT Colors- Pencil does not count

7 Worksheet You will be able to work individually or in your group of 4 to complete the vocabulary words. There are only 20 words. Using the Brown Book would really speed up the process. If you don’t finish today in class, you can finish it for homework, the chapter is posted on my website.

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