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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MR. REID’S PRE-CALCULUS CLASS"— Presentation transcript:


Contact Mr. Reid at: Contact Number: - (305) ; - JOIN REMIND: PERIOD 1: To 81010; PERIOD 2: To 81010; GO TO THE KILLIAN WEBSITE AT; On the menu bar click on ACADEMICS; CLICK ON DEPARTMENT, CLICK ON “MATHEMATICS”. Click on “Mr. Clinton Reid” On the left, click on the required PRE-CALCULUS information you need. FOR EXAMPLE; “PRE-CALCULUS AGENDA” WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE DAILY ACTIVITIES FOR PRE-CALCULUS.

3 PRE-CALCULUS Topics for 1st 9-WEEKS
I. Functions, Equations, and Graphs A. Linear Functions and Slope; B. Transformations of Functions C. Inverse Functions; D. Composite Functions E. Basic Modeling with Functions II. Polynomial and Rational Functions A. Complex Numbers; B. Polynomial Identities; C. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs III. More on Polynomial and Rational Functions A. Dividing Polynomials; B. Zeros of Polynomial Functions C. Rational Functions and their Graphs; D. Polynomial and Rational E. Inequalities and Modeling

4 PRE-CALCULUS Topics for 2nd 9-WEEKS
IV. Trigonometric Functions A. Angles and Radian Measure; B. Linear and Angular Speed; C. The Unit Circle; D. Fundamental Trigonometric; E. Functions; F. Periodic Functions V. Right Triangle Trigonometry A. Evaluating Trigonometric Functions; B. Special Angles; C. Trigonometric Functions and Complements/Co-function Identities; D. Angles of Elevation/Depression; E. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle; F. Reference Angles VI. Circular Trigonometric Functions A. Graphs of Sine and Cosine; B. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions; C. Inverse Trigonometric Functions; D. Applications of Trigonometric Functions

5 PRE-CALCULUS Topics for 3rd 9-WEEKS
VII. Analytic Trigonometry A. Verifying Trigonometric Identities; B. Identity Formulas Trigonometric Equations VIII. Additional Topics in Trigonometry A. The Law of Sines; B. The Law of Cosines; C. Polar Coordinates; D. Graphs of Polar Equations; E. Complex Numbers in Polar Form: F. DeMoivre’s Theorem IX. Discrete Mathematics A. Directed Line Segments and Geometric Vectors; B. Vectors in The Rectangular Coordinate System; C. Applications Using Vectors;

6 PRE-CALCULUS Topics for 4th 9-WEEKS
X. Conics and Analytic Geometry A. The Ellipse; B. The Hyperbola; C. The Parabola; D. Parametric Equations; E. Applications of Conic Sections XI. Sequences and Induction A. Sequences and Summation Notation; B. Arithmetic Sequences C. Geometric Sequences and Series; D. Mathematical Induction XII. Introduction to Calculus A. Limits Using Tables and Graphs B. Properties of Limits C. Limits and Continuity

PROGRESS REPORT: -Interim progress report available at the end of each 4th week. GRADING SYSTEM The students’ grades will be based on the following system: A = Outstanding progress A = and above B = Above average progress B = C = Average progress C = D = Lowest acceptable progress D = F = Failure F = I 0 Incomplete I 0 CLASSWORK:- 1; PARTICIPATION:- 1 GRADE; QUIZ:- 2 GRADE; TEST:- 3 GRADES

One 2.0 three-ring binder Three dividers labeled: ‘Class Requirements, Daily Activities, and Journal. Lined and plain paper ( many, many packs). One graphing calculator (TI-83 Plus Calculator or TI-89 Graphing Calculator. Many pencils (#2). One graph book. These items must be in class every day.

9 Classroom Etiquette 1. Do not talk while I am talking.
2. Cell phones, iPods, and any other electronic devices are to be turned off and put away in a backpack or a purse. First offense: WARNING. Second offense: PARENT CONTACT. Third offense: REFERRAL. 3. No ear buds in ears or headphones over ears. (No sound, either – see #2). 4. No inappropriate language – at any time or in any context whatsoever. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. If you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings, you will be marked tardy. 7. Be polite at all times – to everyone. 8. Do not disrupt the learning environment in any way.

10 ASSIGNMENTS Assignments
Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and generally due the following day (at the beginning of class). Though assignments are generally not graded, I retain the right to grade homework for completeness and effort, and at times for accuracy. Homework checks/pop quizzes will be one or twice per week. Adequate time is allowed to complete the homework check provided the student has completed his or her assignment. See the Killian website for more information on the classroom procedure.

11 Tests & Quizzes Quizzes will be given on a regular basis. Quizzes may or may not be announced, so students must be prepared by asking questions if they do not understand something. You must show all your work on quizzes to receive full credit. Tests will be cumulative in nature so students must be sure that they keep reviewing prior topics that have been covered. Tests will be announced at least two days prior to the day that it is given. Students will receive review questions prior to each test in order to prepare them for the test. They will be expected to complete these problems and ask any questions prior to the test. I will not answer questions during the test.

WHAT DO WE DO IN THIS MATHEMATICS CLASS? One Florida Standards for Mathematical Practices expected all students in a Pre-Calculus class to be mathematical proficient!! Based on the Florida Standards Initiative, mathematics teachers are expecting our students to be Mathematically proficient. Students are expected to start by explaining to themselves the meaning of a problem and looking for entry points to its solution. They analyze given, constraints, relationships, and goals. They make conjectures about the form and meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway rather than simply jumping into a solution attempt. They consider analogous problems, and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution. They monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary. They also make conjectures, build a logical progression of statements to explore the truth of their conjectures. In other words, you have to justify the solutions to your answers by creating a coherent representation of a problem identifying relationships among quantities and their units (work must be shown). CLASSWORK and HOMEWORK WILL BE CHECKED for every competency covered in this class. Home work will be collected and checked randomly. Work must be shown for each test item. NO WORK!! NO CREDIT!! A number grade of 0 will be awarded for no work.

13 STUDENT ATTENDANCE STUDENT ATTENDANCE : Any student who has been absent from school will be marked unexcused absent until s/he submits the required documentation. Failure to provide required documentation within three (3) school days upon the return to school will result in an unexcused absence. A student accumulating ten (10) or more class unexcused absences in an annual course or five (5) or more class unexcused absences in a designated semester course may have quarterly, semester and final grade(s) withheld pending an administrative screening and completion of assigned interventions by the Attendance Review Committee. CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT: Parents/guardians can access the COSC in English, and Spanish on the M-DCPS’ website at 

On this website you will find the agenda and other related PRE- CALCULUS materials. ***I strongly recommend the usage of the website below: I will be assigning practice examples for students to reinforce concepts covered in class. ANOTHER RELATED WEBSITES: Great site, can help with PRE-CALCULUS. However, it will cost you a minimum of $10.00 per month to use this site. It will worth it.


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