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Mrs. Morgan- Individuals and society

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1 Mrs. Morgan- Individuals and society
Welcome Mrs. Morgan- Individuals and society

2 Course U.S. History- Industrial Revolution to the Present
Throughout the course, your student will learn nearly 150 years of history through the lens of individuals and societies. We will cover topics such as: The Industrial Age, The Progressive Movement, World War I, The Great Depression, World War II, The Civil Rights Movement, and Modern America.

3 Homework Unit Portfolio Inquiry Reflection Action Index Cards
Critical Readings Summaries Discussions Reflection Inquiry (Asking) Reflection (Thinking) Action (Doing)

4 Grading Procedures Tests/Major Projects – 60%
Quizzes/Class work/Minor projects – 30% Homework – 10%

5 Missed Test/ Make-Up Work
It is the student’s responsibility to get assignments missed during an absence. It is recommended to have a friend in each class they can call/text after school to find out what was done in class on the missed day. The student/parent may the teacher to obtain work missed during the absence.

6 Late Incomplete Work Partial credit will be given (depending on the assignment) based on the completion of the assignment and accuracy/quality of student work. Late homework assignments will NOT be accepted.

7 Expectations? Trash goes in the can. #NotYourMaid
No cellphone in class. (Except BYOD) #NoTexts #NoPictures #No Games Try your best!! #Goals Come to class prepared. #Priorities Work Hard! #SaveTheExcuses Have a positive attitude. #AttitudeDeterminesDirection

8 Procedures Enter the class quietly, take assigned seat, and immediately write down homework. Answer/complete any BELLWORK on the board (i.e. copy objectives). When announcements come on, ALL activity will stop and there will be NO TALKING. END OF CLASS – If assignments are completed, homework may be started or silent reading may be done. All students must remain seated until dismissed by the teacher. All trash must be thrown away as students leave the room.

9 What do I bring to class? loose leaf paper blue, black and red pens
colored pencils or crayons index cards.

10 Don’t Stress!!

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