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EDUKOS SLOVAK REPUBLIC September 28, 2017, Budapest

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1 EDUKOS SLOVAK REPUBLIC September 28, 2017, Budapest
The final international conference of the PRE project Cooperation with Probation and Mediation Service in Slovakia EDUKOS SLOVAK REPUBLIC September 28, 2017, Budapest

2 Characteristics of the Probation and Mediation Service
Characteristics of the Probation and Mediation Service The Probation and Mediation Service was created in In the same year the new Service executed the first pilot project, which was founded on the intention of the Slovak government to change the overall philosophy of penal policy with the emphasis on the introduction of alternative sanctions and diversions. During the project three probation officers started to work at three district courts and tested various forms and methods of probation work On the local level, probation and mediation officers working at district courts carry out probation and mediation tasks. The courts are the employers of these officers.

3 Characteristics of the Probation and Mediation Service
Characteristics of the Probation and Mediation Service The Probation and Mediation Service can deal with adults as well as juveniles. With regard to juveniles the Service is mainly in charge of supervision tasks (for instance supervision of a juvenile in case of conditional suspension of imprisonment). - In the area of penitentiary and post-penitentiary care, probation and mediation officers cooperate with various NGO’s. Furthermore a wide spectrum of state and private organizations are involved in cooperation with probation and mediation officers (organs of police forces, re-socialization institutions, investigators etc.).

4 Tasks of the Probation and Mediation Service
Tasks of the Probation and Mediation Service Mainly in charge of supervision tasks (conditional suspension of the execution of imprisonment, conditional release of prisoners/parole, community service). Furthermore, the probation and mediation officers can provide the court with a pre-sentence report. Persons who are conditionally released from prison and conditionally sentenced fall under the competence of social curators working at the Offices for Labour, Social Matters and Families. The offices make sure that ex-detainees get a so-called state re-socialization allowance. In addition to probation work, probation and mediation officers are also involved in victim-offender mediation.

5 Tasks of the Probation and Mediation Service
Tasks of the Probation and Mediation Service Pre-trial reports about the possible victim-offender mediation and social status of the accused (which includes, amongst others, information from the social environment of the accused and the victim, the mutual relationships between the persons affected by the criminal act, and information about the causes and consequences of the criminal act) can be delivered by a probation and mediation officer to the prosecutor.

6 Probation during the different stages of the criminal procedure
Probation during the different stages of the criminal procedure

7 Potential for the work with convicts in the SR
Potential for the work with convicts in the SR

8 The organizational structure of probation in Slovakia
The organizational structure of probation in Slovakia The governmental Probation and Mediation Service is part of the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry’s consultative organ in probation and mediation matters is the Council for Probation and Mediation (composed of, amongst others, judges, prosecutors, probation and mediation officers and agents of governmental agency bodies). Within the Ministry, the Section of Criminal Law gives conceptual and methodological management and guidance in the performance of probation and mediation. The Probation and Mediation Division (subordinate to the Section of Criminal Law), amongst others: - fulfils the tasks relating to the probation and mediation service at district courts; prepares background papers for the education of probation and mediation officers, in cooperation with the Judicial Academy; monitors and evaluates the working load of the probation and mediation officers.

9 Total number of probation and mediation officers working at district courts: 79

10 „There is no place into which you would not bring something with you and there is no place from which you would not bring something with you.“   Locard's exchange principle We can start from a paraphrase of the basic principle of forensic science. Dr. Edmond Locard - a pioneer in forensic science who became known as the Sherlock Holmes of France, formulated it as: "Every contact leaves a trace"... Collaboration of Probaion and Mediaton officer with a non-profit organization within this process (time-spatial perception) may mean a more effective implementation of the re-socialization process...

11 The benefits of cooperation
The benefits of cooperation

12 Forms of cooperation Social Psychological trainings as a form of alternative punishment for conditionally sentenced and conditionally released part of which is a complex analysis of psychological and educational needs of the clients as a supportive tool for the PaM officers for working with them.

13 Social Psychological training
Social Psychological training The 4 modules of the Social Psychological trainings: Getting to know oneself and others Verbal and non-verbal communication Assertive behaviour and identification and management of manipulative behaviour Problems and their solution in a non-aggressive way

14 Social Psychological training Content of the Individual Modules
Social Psychological training Content of the Individual Modules Add 1. Module: Getting to know oneself and getting to know others. Getting to know oneself Emotions and feeling My criminal act Add 2. Module: Communication Non-verbal communication Verbal communication Hearing

15 Social Psychological training Content of the Individual Modules
Social Psychological training Content of the Individual Modules Add 3. Module: Assertive behaviour and identification and management of manipulative behaviour Basic forms of communication Assertive behaviour and identification and management of manipulative behaviour Add 4. Module: Problems and their solution in a non- aggressive way Understanding the problem Looking for solutions Implementation of solutions Action plan Conclusion

16 Forms of cooperation The management of risk of re-offending by means of the so-called PAGRED model – a system for the reduction of risk with the objective to supervise the client according to an individual reintegration plan and the subsequent solution of its cases according to the character and degree of risk.

17 The use of the evaluation tool has the potential for the reduction of recidivism in practice

18 The tool for the measurement of the risk of recidivism
The tool for the measurement of the risk of recidivism Mandate – for the application of probation for the Office of PaM before and after the ruling. Evaluative phase - the procedure of the management of risk. Judicial aspects - the committed crime, the severity of the criminal act, a criminal act with a high rate of recidivism, current measures which have been taken, criminal history.... Psychosocial aspects – the addiction of the criminal, financial instability, social case history, accommodation, awareness of one´s criminal act, employment status, awareness of one´s social and penal responsibility....

19 The tool for the measurement of the risk of recidivism
The tool for the measurement of the risk of recidivism Priority – low, high Consolidation and elaboration of the plan – to determine the degree of supervision, the frequency of visits, the focal points, consultations... Intervention – the application of the probation plan, individual work with the client, the checking of the implementation of the imposed duties and restrictions, the evaluation of the development and the proposal for a change in levels, submission of reports...

20 The tool for the measurement of need of intervention
The tool for the measurement of need of intervention need and suitability for practice focus on the criminal act protective and risk factors current state cooperation with the Body of Prison and Justice Guards in the case of conditional release (parole), protective supervision;

21 Forms of cooperation
The transfer of foreign experience into the national conditions of the Slovak Republic by means of the international project „Educational and preventional programs in social work in penal justice“ (Switzerland and Denmark). The objective of the project was to make the implementation of the system of alternative sanctions (educational programs for offenders) more functionable and effective. In this way the project not only contributed to the social inclusion of offenders, the reduction of their risk of recidivism and the reduction of their risk of social exclusion but also to the increase in compatibility of the systems of the SR with the corresponding European systems.

22 The concept of Social work in penal justice in Slovakia
The concept of Social work in penal justice in Slovakia The concept of social work in penal justice in Slovakia is as follows : ( note that it is identical with or similar to the concept of other countries) : Social work in penal justice , Social work with convicts, Social work with victims, Penitentiary and post-penitentiary social work, Probation social work, Mediation social work... Social work in penal justice is as a practical activity focused on: A, the reduction of recidivism and control of criminality, B, the support of social inclusion of victims, offenders and their families, C, the rehabilitation of social environment, disturbed by a criminal act

23 Forms of cooperation Educational model for various professions that work with the target group of convicts and ex- convicts, accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. The target group is also the Probation and Mediation service.

24 The target groups of the project
Educational model The target groups of the project Professionals of the social sector (specialised educators, animators, intercultural mediators, social assistents, social workers, educational, training and job-search professionals, professionals in the area of health care, psychology,...) Professionals in the area of penal justice and the prison resort (counsellors or the leaders of penitentiary reintegration, probation and mediation officers, the directors of prisons, the justice staff, officers, educators, lawyers,...)

25 The basic architecture of the educational model
Educational model The basic architecture of the educational model 2 basic units (create a common basis of the educational module ) Unit1 : Partnership and work in network Unit 2 : Integrated approach to social activity 7 educational units (they give the opportunity to acquire knowledge and tools indispensible for the implementation of partnership activities whose objective is the reintegration as well as the integrated approach to social work) The focus of the units: The history and development of social politics, The methodology of project management and evaluative tools, The methods and tools of team work, The techniques of social communication, The ethics and methods of the management of partnership networks, The tools of analysis of social activity, The guidance to change.

26 Thank you for your attention
Thank you for your attention

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