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Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix Romantic (secular, realistic

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Presentation on theme: "Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix Romantic (secular, realistic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix Romantic (secular, realistic
Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix Romantic (secular, realistic...and yes, bloody...and nude)

2 The Rehearsal by Degas Impressionism (soft light, secular, Degas=ballet, scenes of the middle class and wealthy, French)

3 Lunch on the Grass by Manet Impressionism (light, secular, everyday scene...odd nudity...French)

4 Card Players by Cezanne Post-Impressionism (later than Impressionism, everyday scene, secular, color...French)

5 Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix Romantic (secular, realistic
Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix Romantic (secular, realistic...and yes, bloody...and nude)

6 Starry Night by Van Gogh Post Impressionism (secular, bold color)

7 The Scream by Munch Expressionism (emotional, bold, not realism)

8 Soft Construction with Boiled Beans by Dali Surrealism. (political
Soft Construction with Boiled Beans by Dali Surrealism...(political...what more can I say?)

9 The Ecstasy of St. Teresa by Bernini Baroque sculpture (fancy shmancy, Italian, Altar of St. Peter's)

10 Nude with Drapery by Picasso Cubism

11 Guernica by Picasso Cubism (Post-surreal, hidden shapes. WWI)

12 Zirchow VII by Feininger Abstract Impressionism (color, straight lines,shapes Post WWII)

13 Composition #2 by Mondrian Abstract Impressionism (shape, color, Post WWII)

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