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John R. Wolosick, P.E. Hayward Baker Inc. Atlanta, Georgia

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1 John R. Wolosick, P.E. Hayward Baker Inc. Atlanta, Georgia
IWM 2004 Tokyo, Japan Micropiles State of the Art Report Research and Practice Issues USA John R. Wolosick, P.E. Hayward Baker Inc. Atlanta, Georgia

2 Results from ADSC/DFI Micropile Committee Research Initiative Funded by Industry Members

3 Request Activity Requesting Party Proposed Funding
Status Task/Action 1 2001 LRFD AASHTO Specification D'Appolonia $25,000 Approved by IAF COMPLETE TAA to contact T. Allen (WSDOT) and JW to contact Ohio DOT T-15 Committee member 2 Buckling Paper MPIAF for Schnabel Engineering $2,000 Approved by IAF  3 Coupled Joint Bending Load Test N.W. Cascade $0 Proposal not accepted by Steering Committee DEAD 4 IWM Leadership IWM $10,000 Supplemental funds previously committed to Al DiMillio. Al committed $25K for 2003 ON GOING 5 State D.O.T. Pooled Funds Research Tom Shantz (Coordinator) In Kind On Going Meet w/Tom to discuss details

4 Request Activity Requesting Party Proposed Funding
Status Task/Action 6 WSU Research Project “Seismic Behavior” Adrian Rodriguez -Marek In Kind On Going Meet w/Adrian to discuss details 7 FHWA MP Manual Chapter 6 D'Appolonia/Hayward Baker $9,000 Approved by IAF COMPLETE 8 Practice Update Geotechnica, S.A. $0 Proposal not accepted due to limited funds and limited interest DEAD 9 Strain Compatibility Fuller Mossbarger Scott & May $25,000 IN PROGRESS – Final test results presented to Task Force with Draft Report. Task Force to provide final comments to FMSM N.L.T. February 1st. 10 Grout Cubes v Cylinders Geotechnical, S.A. $7,000 Buzek submitted database info to committee. Project pending Barry Newman(GAI) to review Buzek information and recommend direction to committee. Barry will give a report of his findings N.L.T. the spring meeting.

5 Request Activity Requesting Party Proposed Funding
Status Task/Action 11 Bending & Axial Load Testing Malcolm Drilling $0 Load test report placed in ADSC Technical Library COMPLETE 12 MICROFOR-Micropile CASE 1 & 2 Network Load Testing Brooklyn Polytechnic In Kind 1) Task Force submitted concerns with research project and additional requests for more information 2) Task Force submitted cost estimates 3) Gary presented revised program and location Task Force reviewed revised research program with a revised location for the load testing. Task Force is in general agreement for the Spring Villa NGES site at Auburn University. Task Force to provide final comments to Gary and estimate costs. If satisfactory, will recommend for committee approval at spring meeting. 13 2005 Micropile Faculty Workshop ADSC $$$ and In Kind Task Force working w/Dan Brown(Auburn University) developing program and budget Moved to TAA to find a Champion to head this up. Jim H and John W will act in support roles. 14 Slope Stability/Earth Retention Design Procedure Golder Associates Unknown Gathering previous project instrumentation information No Action. Will be developed as part of NHI Course with Ryan Berg and Paul Sabbatini.

6 1995 Research Needs Assessment Report
Request Activity Requesting Party Proposed Funding Status Task/Action 15 1995 Research Needs Assessment Report Micropile Committee Unknown Document provided to Task Force at Fall 2003 Committee meeting. Task force reviewed at GeoSupport 2004 meeting. Tom R. to provide a synthesis of the Task Force’s findings N.L.T. the spring committee meeting. 16 Footing Connections Presented to Task Force at Fall 2003 Committee meeting. Victor Elias has potential FHWA funds with UC Davis to perform some research in this area. GAI to provide a proposal to perform a research project. 17 Pile Joints Presented to Task Force at Fall 2003 Committee meeting Jesus′ Gomez to Champion this investigation and possibly develop a white paper.

7 Request Activity Requesting Party Proposed Funding
Status Task/Action 18 Micropile Rafts Micropile Committee Unknown Presented to Task Force at Fall 2003 Committee meeting No action – Low Priority 19 Group vs. Florida Pier Design Analysis Comparison Study Aomar Benslimane to submit a proposal comparing the two along with their applicability to micropiles. 20 Malcolm Load Test Report White Paper See comments from Item No. 17

8 Completed Research Publications Buckling of Micropiles – White Paper by Cadden & Gomez AASHTO LRFD Design and Construction Specifications Micropile Steel and Grout Strain Compatibility Study Available on CD or by

9 AASHTO LRFD Specification

10 New Developments - Titan Bars

11 Titan Drill Bit

12 Bulk Cement and Portable Batch Plant

13 Other Issues: Large 2 ½ inch Diameter GR 150 bars Large 3 ½ inch Diameter GR 75 bars Steel Pipe Shortage and High Prices! Lack of 5 ½ , 7, and 9 5/8 inch Pipe

14 The End Questions?

15 Request Activity Requesting Party Proposed Funding
Status Task/Action 1 2001 LRFD AASHTO Specification D'Appolonia $25,000 Approved by IAF COMPLETE TAA to contact T. Allen (WSDOT) and JW to contact Ohio DOT T-15 Committee member 2 Buckling Paper MPIAF for Schnabel Engineering $2,000 Approved by IAF  3 Coupled Joint Bending Load Test N.W. Cascade $0 Proposal not accepted by Steering Committee DEAD 4 IWM Leadership IWM $10,000 Supplemental funds previously committed to Al DiMillio. Al committed $25K for 2003 ON GOING 5 State D.O.T. Pooled Funds Research Tom Shantz (Coordinator) In Kind On Going Meet w/Tom to discuss details 6 WSU Research Project “Seismic Behavior” Adrian Rodriguez -Marek Meet w/Adrian to discuss details 7 FHWA MP Manual Chapter 6 D'Appolonia/Hayward Baker $9,000 8 Practice Update Geotechnica, S.A. Proposal not accepted due to limited funds and limited interest 9 Strain Compatibility Fuller Mossbarger Scott & May IN PROGRESS – Final test results presented to Task Force with Draft Report. Task Force to provide final comments to FMSM N.L.T. February 1st. 10 Grout Cubes v Cylinders Geotechnical, S.A. $7,000 Buzek submitted database info to committee. Project pending Barry Newman(GAI) to review Buzek information and recommend direction to committee. Barry will give a report of his findings N.L.T. the spring meeting. 11 Bending & Axial Load Testing Malcolm Drilling Load test report placed in ADSC Technical Library 12 MICROFOR-Micropile CASE 1 & 2 Network Load Testing Brooklyn Polytechnic 1) Task Force submitted concerns with research project and additional requests for more information 2) Task Force submitted cost estimates 3) Gary presented revised program and location .Task Force reviewed revised research program with a revised location for the load testing. Task Force is in general agreement for the Spring Villa NGES site at Auburn University. Task Force to provide final comments to Gary and estimate costs. If satisfactory, will recommend for committee approval at spring meeting. 13 2005 Micropile Faculty Workshop ADSC $$$ and In Kind Task Force working w/Dan Brown(Auburn University) developing program and budget Moved to TAA to find a Champion to head this up. Jim H and John W will act in support roles. 14 Slope Stability/Earth Retention Design Procedure Golder Associates Unknown Gathering previous project instrumentation information No Action. Will be developed as part of NHI Course with Ryan Berg and Paul Sabbatini. 15 1995 Research Needs Assessment Report Micropile Committee Document provided to Task Force at Fall 2003 Committee meeting. Task force reviewed at GeoSupport 2004 meeting. Tom R. to provide a synthesis of the Task Force’s findings N.L.T. the spring committee meeting. 16 Footing Connections Presented to Task Force at Fall 2003 Committee meeting. Victor Elias has potential FHWA funds with UC Davis to perform some research in this area. GAI to provide a proposal to perform a research project. 17 Pile Joints Presented to Task Force at Fall 2003 Committee meeting Jesus′ Gomez to Champion this investigation and possibly develop a white paper. 18 Micropile Rafts No action – Low Priority 19 Group vs. Florida Pier Design Analysis Comparison Study Aomar Benslimane to submit a proposal comparing the two along with their applicability to micropiles. 20 Malcolm Load Test Report White Paper See comments from Item No. 17

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