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Make It Happen Power of Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Make It Happen Power of Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make It Happen Power of Communication 2007-2008
North Rockland High School Communication – The key to a community of learners. The key to Making It Happen. Real talk equals real results. Good for students, good for adults. Classroom and community. Make It Happen Power of Communication

2 Faculty Meeting Focus “The Power of Communication”
Developing student communication skills to build student proficiency/mastery through... Reading-Writing in Content Areas Student Talk – Discourse and Analysis Explicit Reading Comprehension Instruction: Before, During and After (BDA) Focusing on the learner through ongoing assessment Character Education: Building the Community *Good for everyone- specials, special education, differentiated instruction

3 Faculty Meeting September 20, 2008
Content Literacy Focus Question: What is the purpose of utilizing literacy strategies across the curriculum and what is the effect upon student achievement? Key Terms: Initiating – Constructing – Utilizing I-C-U Refer to the connection between teacher effectiveness and student learning PLC and CIA

4 Content Literacy “Where content and process connect”
ABT – “Always be Thinking” “Always be Talking” “Always be Tackling Text”

5 90% Teach Others/ Use Immediately
Average Retention Rates 5% Lecture 10% Reading 20% Audio-Visual 30% Demonstration 50% Discussion Groups 75% Practice by Doing 90% Teach Others/ Use Immediately

6 Disciplinary Literacy - McConachie, S. , Educational Leadership, Vol
Disciplinary Literacy - McConachie, S., Educational Leadership, Vol. 64, No.2, Oct. 2006 “students can develop deep conceptual knowledge in a discipline only by using the habits of reading, writing, talking and thinking which the discipline values and uses” Institute for Learning, University of Pittsburgh, 2002

7 Attention to Process: Initiating Constructing Utilizing
Reading Set a Purpose Preview and Predict Activate Schema Build Background Identify text structure Writing without Composing Ideas Organization Lists, Brainstorming, Graphically organizing, vocabulary reviews Reading Predict Read with Purpose Make Connections Question Code text Visualize Clarify Writing to Learn Voice Choice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Quick writes, journals, rough drafts, content notes, post-it notes Reading Reflect Reread Summarize Assess Writing to Demonstrate Learning Conventions Assessment Essays, reports, research papers, formal letters, expository/narrative/creative writing

8 Text to Self Connections (T-S) Text to Text Connections (T-T)
Making Connections to Build Understanding Instructional Strategy: Model thinking aloud Text to Self Connections (T-S) Text to Text Connections (T-T) Text to World Connections (T-W) T-S Connections that readers make between the text and their past experiences or background knowledge T-T Connections that readers make between the text that they are reading and another text, including books poems, scripts songs, or anything that is written T-W Connections that readers make between the text and the bigger issues, events, or concerns of society and the world at large

9 BK = Background Knowledge ? = Question C = Confused I = Important
Making Connections to Build Understanding Instructional Strategy: Model text coding * = Interesting BK = Background Knowledge ? = Question C = Confused I = Important L = Learning something new (Nonfiction Matters, Harvey) I= Important PK= Prior knowledge S= Synthesis MI= Mental Image != An Inference (conclusion, judgement, belief, opinion based on text) ?= Questions P= Prediction C= Confirmed Prediction D/C= Prediction Disconfirmed ?= I don’t understand a word or part PS= Problem Solved S= this part surprised me T= I need to talk to someone (Mosaic of Thought, Keene & Zimmerman)

10 Putting Instructional Strategies into Practice
1. Text to Self Identify areas of text where T-S connections can be made Complete T-Chart 2. Text to World Identify area of text where T-W connections can be made 3. Text to Text Identify area of text where T-T connections can be made 4. Coding Text Identify areas of text that can be coded

11 Strategy Model What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up
Text What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore – And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over – Like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load. Or does it explode? My Connections T-S, T-W. T-T (T-T) Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. (?) Was this poem by Hughes the inspiration for the play “A Raisin in the Sun” by ? (T-W) Civil Rights Movement of MLK compared to the Blank Panther Movement and/or Malcolm X Reference the play and how you didn’t remember the author Why selected the poem – figurative language, reading between the lines, making abstract connections

12 Faculty Meeting September 20, 2008
Content Literacy Guiding Question: What is the purpose of utilizing literacy strategies across the curriculum and what is its effect upon student achievement? Key Terms: Initiating – Constructing – Utilizing I-C-U Refer to the connection between teacher effectiveness and student learning PLC and CIA

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