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Personal Trainer Personal Trainer:

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2 Personal Trainer Personal Trainer:
A health/fitness professional who primarily works on a one to one basis with a client and facilitates the achievement of health and fitness goals

3 Why will a Client Hire You ???? What can you offer ????

4 Roles & Functions Provide direction, advice and specialist knowledge
Provide support Facilitate Design programmes

5 Roles & Functions Health promotion Set goals Listener
Provide discretion Motivator

6 Personal Characteristics of the PT
Excellent communicator Ability to empathise Patient Vibrant optimist

7 Technical Characteristics
Knowledgeable in the following areas Client screening Goal setting Fitness Assessment Programming Exercise adherence Healthy eating Myths, fallacies and fads

8 Where to Start Home Gym PT Companies
Set up one to one classes or groups for PT

9 Acquiring Clients Word of mouth
Referrals – GP. Physio , friends ,clients etc Social Media

10 Cost to you Car Fitness Testing Equipment Training Equipment

11 Equipment Required Heart rate monitor Swiss ball Skin fold callipers
Measurement tape 12” Step/Reebok Deck Weighing scales BP monitor Cones Dyna bands Roller Boxing gloves & pads Swiss ball Free weights/Gym Bars/Kettle bells Ladders{SAQ} Bosu /TRX Barbell with plates Circuit cards Mat’s Medicine ball /Pilates Ball Balance board

12 Trainer /Clients Policy
Appointments Holidays Phone Number Introduction Cancellations Payment Methods Charges

13 Trainer/Client Relationship
Professional relationship at all times Confidentiality Set time parameters for contact Clear policies Trust/confidentiality contracts

14 Training Environments
Clients home Sports Fields /Park /Beach Housing Estate Running Track Swimming Pool Trainers Home Be imaginative for variety

15 Types of Clients Low fitness levels Sports specific
High fitness levels Overweight Shy/low self esteem Busy Partners

16 Schedule Most clients will require early morning appointments – 5am -8.30am From morning till mid-afternoon think about who can slot in to this time frame (target market) From 5.30pm to 10.30pm Be aware as a PT you decided on your hours and how many clients you can take

17 Weekly Routine 6.30am Pilates session 9 am Client Pilates Pregnant 8am
Client at 6am for Pilates session NCEF Limerick for HCEHF Year 1,2 or 3 Limerick 5 am client Run 5km Client 7.30am conditioning session 6.30am Pilates session 9 am Client Pilates Pregnant 8am Outdoor boot camp type of class 10am Run with client Interval training

18 Routine Cont: Classes from 6pm till 10pm Team Training from 7pm -9pm
Pool session for injury rehab client 7.30pm Clients Home Pilates session 4pm Clients home Pilates & CV 9pm CV & LME Team Training 5.30 x 2 Run (sports specific ) 10.15pm Pilates Clients hme Pool/Toning

19 Client Scenarios Female 36yrs old weighs 68kg(10 stone) has 3 children under the age of 8….. Wants' to improve CV endurances and also tone up especially on Abs after 3 sections has “pouch” effect ? You can only use equipment mentioned early You will have a 3 year old also in training session Client worked out all through her life and pregnancies so has a fairly good fitness level Can give 60 minutes twice a week

20 Cont: 2. Female Client 50yrs old wants to lose approx two stone and tone up ,works by sitting for all day in an office ,plays tennis twice a week and walks over the weekend . Client can give PT one hour a week only equipment in home is a treadmill

21 Cont Male client aged 32 has no weight been carried have very low CV endurances and wants to improve this ,Client has good LME build ,has a issue with posture as in rounded shoulders also Client can give PT two days a week both an hour each Client would like to work outdoors as apt very small No equipment only what PT has

22 Retention

23 Personal Training Pro’s Con’s
Financial Flexible hours Low start up costs Satisfaction of helping clients achieve goals Personal development Variety of clients and work environments Challenging Job insecurity Acquiring clients Client retention Cancellations Transporting of equipment Traffic Councillor Isolating / lack of camaraderie Lack of sick pay Lack of injury pay

24 Benefits of Personal Training Course
New clients policies Ideas Networking Insurances Knowledge

25 Questions

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