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Budget and resource tracking

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1 Budget and resource tracking
Dr. Michael McQuestion Ms. Diana Kizza Mugenzi Dr. Cliff Kamara Ms. Dana Silver Sustainable Immunization Financing Program Anglophone African Peer review workshop Abuja, Nigeria 19-21 April 2016

2 Overview “To pay for something is to own it”
Most countries are actually paying most of their immunization program costs but are not properly capturing and reporting those expenditures The countries are closer to the country ownership goal than they know

3 What the world sees now Government R.I. expenditures per surviving infant (US$) Anglophone African SIF countries Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Kenya 4 3 Liberia 2 Nigeria 7 Sierra Leone 6 Uganda 10 Africa mean 5 Weighted mean 15 12 8 Sources: WHO/UNICEF Indicator 6730; UN Population Division Note: mid-year exchange rates used

4 PEFA standards 1. Credibility of the budget - The budget is realistic and is implemented as intended 2. Comprehensiveness and transparency - The budget and the fiscal risk oversight are comprehensive, and fiscal and budget information is accessible to the public. 3. Policy-based budgeting - The budget is prepared with due regard to government policy.

5 PEFA standards 4. Predictability and control in budget execution - The budget is implemented in an orderly and predictable manner and there are arrangements for the exercise of control and stewardship in the use of public funds. 5. Accounting, recording and reporting – Adequate records and information are produced, maintained and disseminated to meet decision-making control, management and reporting purposes. 6. External scrutiny and audit - Arrangements for scrutiny of public finances and follow up by executive are operating

6 Budgets As their budgets grow, immunization managers are obliged to:
demonstrate transparency and accountability (budget efficiency) link outputs and impacts to investments (“value for money”) create new budgets based on actual expenditures (empirical budgeting)

7 Resource tracking Across the SIF countries, national counterparts are approaching these budget challenges in different ways They are innovating, developing new budgeting and resource tracking practices SIF Program provides a generic tool- budget flow analysis flowsheet

8 Sabin SIF Budget flow analysis tool
The Sabin-developed tool for simple central-level resource tracking partial but quickly identifies bottlenecks based on PEFA provides strong basis for advocacy begins with cMYP, ends with JRF 6730 The EPI team does the work themselves Only about half of SIF countries this transparent

9 Best Practice: DRC Sabin SIF Budget flow analysis tool

10 Sabin SIF Budget flow analysis tool

11 Sabin SIF Budget flow analysis tool

12 Resource tracking examples
In three SIF countries, immunization managers secured the budget they sought simply by presenting EPI expenditure data over the previous several years as part of their “investment case” Demonstrated budget credibility, sound budget management

13 Resource tracking examples
In two SIF countries, national immunization teams provided feedback on immunization expenditures to provincial officials, the public Immediate improvement in provincial expenditure reporting

14 Resource tracking examples
In one SIF country, the immunization team presented the completed SIF budget flow analysis to parliamentarians, who then showed it to the prime minister, who then instructed the minister of finance to fully disburse the immunization budget “information is power”

15 Advocacy Case studies The art of advocacy is knowing how to formulate messages that fit into each particular institution’s logic and deliver them effectively Some examples: EPI manager makes investment case to MPs Finance officer convinces health director to cross analyze data, report expenditure per fully immunized child

16 Advocacy Case studies Advocacy examples, continued
Rotary and Lions clubs convince Government of Nepal to create an immunization trust fund MPs from National Assembly convince provincial MPs to join national MP immunization network EPI team analyzes provincial immunization expenditures, demonstrates program efficiency, avoids mandated budget cut

17 Thank you!

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