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Cultivation of exotic vegetables in Kangra district

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1 Cultivation of exotic vegetables in Kangra district


3 Red Cabbage: Improved varieties: Red rock, Red drum head Sowing Time Low hill October- November Mid hill August-September High hill April- May Transplanting Distance Early varieties x 45cm. Late varieties x 30cm.

4 Inputs Per Ha. Per Bigha Per Kanal Seed (g.) 440 35 18 FYM (q) 150 12
6 Urea (kg.) 240 19 10 SSP (kg.) 315 25 MOP (kg.) 45 3 1.5 Stomp/Lasso (l) 240ml 120ml Yield: q/ha or 8-120/bigha

5 Broccoli Improved varieties: Palam Samridhi: Heads are green in colour weighing around g. Resistant to yellow eye disease and bracting. Spears come up after cutting the terminal head. Heads are ready to harvest by 85DAT. Average yield is 12-16q/bigha Palam Haritika: Heads are green in colour. Resistant to yellow eye disease and bracting. Spears come up after cutting the terminal head. Heads are ready to harvest by 150DAT. Average yield is 16-20q/bigha Palam Kanchan: Heads are yellow in colour Spears come up after cutting the terminal head. Heads are ready to harvest by 140DAT. Average yield is 20-24q/bigha Palam Vichitra: Heads are purple. Heads are ready to harvest by DAT. Average yield is 18-20q/bigha

6 Broccoli

7 Inputs Per Ha. Per Bigha Per Kanal Seed (g.) 32-40 16-20 FYM (q) 200 16 8 Urea (kg.) 300 24 12 SSP (kg.) 625 50 25 MOP (kg.) 90 7 3.5 Stomp/Lasso (l) 3 240ml 120ml

8 Other varieties/hybrids
Brussel’s Sprouts Hild’s Ideal Other varieties/hybrids Z Cross, Pearls Crystal, Prince Marble

9 Inputs Per Ha. Per Bigha Per Kanal Seed (g.) 400-500 32-40 16-20
FYM (q) 200 16 8 Urea (kg.) 300 24 12 SSP (kg.) 625 50 25 MOP (kg.) 90 7 3.5 Stomp/Lasso (l) 3 240ml 120ml

10 Sowing Time: Low hills- October Mid hills- August –September High Hills- March- April Planting Distance: 60 x 45cm Harvesting: when heads attain 3-4cm dia. Yield: q/Ha

11 Lettuce(Lactuca sativa)
Family : Compositae Chromosome No. : 2n=16,18 Origin : European-Siberian Most important salad crop Occupy maximum area under salad vegetables. Temperate vegetable but also grown in tropical and subtropical climates of the world Tender leaves and heads are consumed as salad after chopping Rich in vitamin A, Ca and Fe.

12 1. Head type (L. sativa var. capitata)
Types of Lettuce 1. Head type (L. sativa var. capitata) I. Butter head type: Produces relatively small & loose heads. The outer leaves are green in colour Inner leaves are creamy or yellow which are oily, crumpled & soft texture. They do not withstand shipping and handling. II. Crisp head type: Popular in North America & European countries Brittle textured a tightly folded large heads (up to 1 kg). Excellent shipping & handling abilities. Leaves are wrinkled, non-wrapped and round. The outer leaves are green and inner leaves are very thin, crisp & soft.

13 2. Leafy or bunching type (L. sativa var. crispa)
Non-heading type. Colour of leaves varies from light green to red. 3. Cos or romain type (L. sativa var. longifolia) Plants are straight growing and about 25 cm in height Produces elongated leaves to form a loaf shaped head. The outer leaves are slimy & light green coloured Inner leaves are finer & light in colour. Coarse leaves with good eating quality.

14 4. Asparagus or stem type (L. sativa var. asparaginia)
Also known as celery lettuce. Produces thick stems which are consumed either raw or cooked as vegetable after peeling. The leaves are also edible but inferior in quality than other types.

15 Lettuce Bergamo Green Romaine Red Butterhead Revolution

16 Varieties For H.P. White Boston : Butter head type
Dark green : Butter head type Green lakes : Crisp head type Great Lake, Imperial 859 : Crisp head type Slobolt, Chinese Yellow : Leafy type PH-Lettuce : Stem type For H.P. Alamo 1 : Head type. Simpson Black Seeded : Leafy type. Eves Wonder : Heading type. Ruby : Leafy &purple

17 Climate Soil Cool season vegetable.
Requires a monthly average temperature of 12-15oC. Seeds become dormant & fail to germinate when the soil temperature is above 22-30oC. Temperature above 22oC promotes bolting causing bitterness in leaves & accelerate the development of tip burn and rot. Hot, rainy or humid weather is also not favourable as it causes rotting of head lettuce. Soil Thrives best on well drained sandy loam soil rich in organic matter. Sensitive to high acidity. pH About 2-3 ploughings followed by planking is essential to get the soil friable and leveled.

18 Leafy type is sown directly in the field
Seed rate g/ha Leafy type is sown directly in the field Spacing 45 x 30 cm Planting time N.I. Plains: September-October of nursery Low hills : September-November Mid hills : September-October High hills: March-July

19 N P2O5 K2 O (Kg/ha) 60 40 Irrigation
Manures & Fertilizers FYM (q/ha) N P2O5 K2 O (Kg/ha) 100 60 40 Method of application same as other leafy vegetables Irrigation Immediately after transplanting Subsequently, irrigate the crop at an interval of 8-12 days.

20 Harvesting Yield Seed production Head type: 100-140 q/ha
The leafy var. become ready for harvesting within days of sowing Harvest when the leaves attain full size but remain tender. Head type var. takes days to harvest. Heads are harvested when they attain a good size & become solid. Yield Head type: q/ha Seed production Isolation distance: 25 m

Tip burn Big vein Tip burning of the lateral margins of the inner leaves of mature heads. Reasons: High temperature, light intensity & long duration Excess N Ca & B deficiencies. High Mn content. Management: Spray the crop with 0.5% DISEASES Damping off, Root rot, Downy mildew, Bacterial rot, Lettuce mocaic, Big vein (soil borne viruses), fungus Olpidium INSECTS Aphids

22 Importance The plant is cultivated for its tender young shoots, which has an agreeable flavour after boiling. Once establish, will produce for many years (Perennial crop). Used in cuisines and five star hotels and served as soups and curries. Used as fresh vegetable. Preserved in cans and bottles. Botanical Name: Asparagus officinalis Linn. var. altilis Family: Liliaceae Origin: Europe and Asia

23 Varieties H.P. Other most important varieties Selection-841 Perfection
UC-72 DPA-1 Other most important varieties Palmetts Argentil Mary Washington Hybrid INDA-HD-8 German Federal

24 Time of nursery raising (H.P.) 600g/ha to raise the nursery.
Asparagus is raised through seed as well as crowns. On commercial basis, cultivation through crowns is recommended. Mid hills High hills March-June April-May Seed Rate 600g/ha to raise the nursery.

25 Propagation The two methods by which plants can be procured and propagated By purchasing the plants from a seeds man or some grower. By Purchasing or sowing the seed from which to raise them. The first method is the quickest way to start a good crop in a bed and also the most easily disposed off. Asparagus crowns are raised from seed planted in a well-prepared seed bed. The plants are allowed to grow for one full growing season before being planted in permanent bed Only one year old shoots will produce more and large spears and yield profitable crops for a longer period.

26 Time of planting Depth of planting Planting Distance
Mid hills High hills January March-April Depth of planting 20-30 cm (25 cm most common). Density of plants 30000/ha. Planting Distance 150cm X 45 cm. Crown is planted in furrows of 30cm width and 25 cm deep.


28 Other varieties/hybrids:
Asparagus Selection 841 Other varieties/hybrids: Perfection UC-72, Hybrids-Jersey Giant, Jersey Gem, Jersey King etc.

29 Fertilizer Recommendation (H.P.)
FYM (q/ha) N (kg/ha) P2O5 (kg/ha) K2O (kg/ha) 200 100 120 150 Half of FYM + half NPK should be applied in spring season before growth of the plant. Remaining half of the fertilizers should be applied after cutting of spears.

30 Harvesting and Market Preparation
The normal harvest period for a fully developed asparagus bed is 8 weeks. Harvest the spears from 3 or more years of plant growth otherwise affect the plant growth. After 7-8 years of planting a fully developed asparagus fields yield q/ha. The spear length should be approximately 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) at cutting with spear tips tightly closed. Once spears have been harvested they must be cooled immediately to 32-36oF (0-2oC). Cooling preserves the sugar content which along with fiber content is important in quality. Harvested spears are prepared for market by grading, sizing and bunching. Grades are based on freshness, length and diameter of the stalk, colour of the spear, tightness of spear tip and extent of bruising. Spears of large diameter are considered to be superior in quality. Asparagus is a very perishable crop and storage is not recommended. If market conditions demand, spears may be held at 0-2 oC and 95% RH for no longer than 2-3 weeks.

31 Brussels sprouts are large, immature leaf buds, about one to two inches in diameter. They are green, oval, and have tightly overlapped leaves. They look like very small cabbages The sprouts grow along the central stem of the plant, each bud resting atop a leaf stem. Brussels sprout plants can grow very tall, usually about 2 to 3 feet.  Their large, round leaves grow in whorls around a thick, central stalk. The cluster of greens at the top of the plant can be harvested and eaten.

32 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Family: Apiaceae
ORIGIN: Mediterranean - possibly Sardinia Bright green biennial herb, often used as spice or garnish. Grows to about 30cm and produces long stalks of tiny greenish yellow flowers which should be cut off when they appear. Parsley is used for its leaf in much the same way as coriander (which is also known as Chinese parsley or cilantro), although parsley has a milder flavor. Finely chopped leaves are used fore flavouring sauces, soups, stuffing and minces etc and also sprinkled over vegetable and salads. A good source of Vitamin A and C, Ca and protein. Besides, K, Fe, Na and P also available. Two forms of parsley are used as herbs: Curly leaf: is often used as a garnish. Italian or Flat leaf (P. neapolitanum). One of the compounds of the essential oil is apiol. Root parsley : Grown as a root vegetable (Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum). This type of parsley produces much thicker roots than types cultivated for their leaves. Root parsley is very common in Central and Eastern European cuisine, Used in soups and stews.

33 Parsley Leaves used in soups, meat and other dishes for seasoning like coriander, Rich in vitamin C Mos Curled Other varieties: Curled leaf,Double curled,Champion, Deep Green,Green Forest, Flat Leaf-Italian Dark green,Giant Italian

34 Parsley prefers an open, sunny, well-drained position
It requires an ordinary, good and well worked soil but a moist and partially shaded position is the best. Parsley grows best between 72 to 86 oF (22 to 30 oC), optimum being 21oC. Low temperature causes severe damage. Common varieties are Curled Leaf, Double Curled and Mass curled Champion. Seed rate 250 g/ha. Seed germination is difficult and inconsistent and may require 3-6 weeks. Furanocoumarins in seed coat may be responsible. Soaking seeds overnight before sowing shortens the germination period. FYM 150q/ha, 60:40:30 kg NPK/ha. Apply full P, K and half N at planting and remaining N in 2 equal splits at one month interval each. Sowing of nursery Low hills: October, Mid hills: August-September High hills: March- April. Spacing 45 cm X 10 cm Parsley leaves are ready for use about 3 months after seeding. Average yield is q/ha

35 Celery Cultivars: Three types
A salad crop grown for long fleshy leaf stalks. Ranks second in importance among salad crops. Leaf stalk and petioles are eaten raw or used for preparation of sauces, vegetable juices, stews, soups etc. Eaten primarily for its unique texture and crispness. Seeds are used as condiment in European countries and spice in India Good for rheumatism. Cultivars: Three types Celery (Apium graveolens var. dulce): only central parts of plant are used. Leaf celery or French or Chinese celery ( var. secalinum): grown for its pretty fragrant leaves. Celeriac ( var rapacerum): cultivar of celery. Common varieties: Utah, Pascal, Golden Deteroit, Golden Self Blanch Soil and climate: Peat and high sandy loam soils are better for growing. High temperature during early stages result in higher yield.

36 Celery Petiole is used in salad, soups & ketchups,
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals Seeds used as spice Varieties: Utah (Harvest after 26 weeks), Golden Self Branch (Harvest after 14 weeks)

37 Seed rate is 125 g/ha. Pre-soaking of seeds overnight in water facilitate germination.
Spacing: 40 cm X 15 cm, 60 cm X cm for H.P. FYM 100 q/ha + 100:50:30 kg NPK/ha. Application method same as Parsley. Sowing time: Low hills: September-October Mid hills: August-September High hills: April- May Blanching by covering the petioles with soil or non-tranparent paper is important to get white or non-green petioles. Harvesting is done when stalk length reaches to a height of cm. Early harvesting before the plant reaches full size produce stalks with high market quality. Plant is cut 2.5cm below the crown and coarse outer leaves are trimmed. Yield q/ha Pithiness is a major disorder. Black Heart is caused due to Ca deficiency and preharvest water stress.

38 Kale

39 Varieties: Karam saag Sowing time: Low hills October-November
Mid hills August- September High Hills March-June

40 Planting distance: 60 x 45 cm 45 x 45 cm
Per Ha. Per Bigha Per Kanal Seed (g.) 350 30 15 FYM (q) 200 16 8 Urea (kg.) 300 24 12 SSP (kg.) 475 38 19 MOP (kg.) 85 7 3.5 Stomp/Lasso (l) 3 240ml 120ml

41 Other varieties: Prize Taker, Mussel burgh,
Palam Paustik Other varieties: Prize Taker, Mussel burgh,

42 Inputs Per Ha. Per Bigha Per Kanal Seed 1.5 kg 120g 60g FYM (q) 250 20
10 Urea (kg.) 300 25 12.5 SSP (kg.) 375 30 15 MOP (kg.) 185 7.5 Stomp/Lasso (l) 3 240ml 120ml

43 Leek

44 Varieties: Palam Paushtik, Prize taker and
Masal Warg Sowing Time: Sep- Oct Planting Distance: 30 x 10cm. Harvesting : when pseudostem attains 2-3cm dia. In gen crop takes from sowing Yield: Q/ha


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