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Money matters.

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1 money matters

2 money matters DEBIT CARDS (1) for ATM withdrawals CREDIT CARDS (2)
for purchases – carry one, leave one with your passport always a good idea to call your bank and credit card companies before traveling you cannot call a toll-free number from a cell phone don’t take traveler’s checks don’t carry large amounts of cash

no foreign transaction fees (3%) Capital One No Hassle Rewards Chase Sapphire Nordstrom Visa travel points/mileage Starwood Preferred Guest RECOMMENDED BANK ACCOUNT: no ATM fees / reiumburses fees charged by bank Charles Schwab Bank

4 money matters credit card advice []
chip cards are required in the US as of October, 2015; some are PIN-enabled, most use signatures chip and pin advice from Rick Steves more problems possible in more remote areas Twitter-based customer service is reportedly more responsive that call centers: @askAmEx

5 Quanto costa …? Quanto costa la maglia rossa? (€58)
Costa cinquantotto euro. Quanto costano le scarpe nere? (€300) Costano trecento euro. la giacca in pelle (€270) una camera doppia (€500) due biglietti per l’opera (€120) una guida per il museo (€30) quattro bicchieri di vino bianco (€28)

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