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Landscape of Placement

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1 Landscape of Placement

2 Factors Candidacy timing Ordination/Denominational Exams
Openings in your area of interest Geographic limitations Spouse/Significant other Factors



5 Career Inventories

6 SMVPO Inventories

7 Other areas further afield that you might consider is a guidance counselor, or a program/activities coordinator at an assisted living or adult care facility (not just with older people but with those with physical or mental limitations as well). Universities also have program or student life coordinators, separate from the chaplain position, that you would likely be well qualified for. If you want a total departure, you may consider looking into teaching at the elementary or high school level. Many school districts have programs to help working professionals transition to teaching. Basically they give you the rudimentary training to be a teacher, then you work as a teacher-in-training while gaining the additional credentials needed to earn your certification. I think the people-skills required to be a pastor would make you well-qualified to steer a classroom full of students! Read more:  pastoral-jobs-m-div-consulting.html#ixzz2l1Y0cwBf Help! I have an M.Div.!


9 Two-Year Residencies

10 For Such a Time as This

11 1001 Worshipping Communities

12 PCUSA “One Door”

13 Non-Profits

14 Magazines and Journals

15 Transformational Leadership Debt Assistance

16 A professional network can be defined as people you know who can provide leads, support and advice about your career and the job market. They can help you tap the vast majority of jobs that are never advertised. Networking

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