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Divorce Lawyers The Ties That Bind

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1 Divorce Lawyers The Ties That Bind

2 Declining Divorces The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported in its latest data (2011) that the US divorce rate was 3.6 per 1,000 people, compare to 4.0 for 2000. During the 1980s, approximately 50% of all marriages ended in divorce; however, during 2013, the rate was closer to 40%. Women who marry at the age of to 24 have a much higher divorce rate than those who marry from 25 to 29 years of age, 36.6% and 16.4%, respectively. For men, the rates are 38.8% and 22.3%.

3 Senior Separations According to a 2010 study, 25% of adults 50 years of age and older were divorced, compared to only 10% during 1990. 61% of divorce attorneys polled for a 2013 industry study said that divorce among adults, 50+ had been increasing since Wives were more likely to initiate the divorce than husbands. The increase in senior divorces was attributed to longer, healthier lives, women having established careers and more financial independence and either spouse finding someone younger.

4 More Than Divorce “Divorce lawyers” are professionally known as “matrimonial lawyers” or those who practice “family law.” There are probably less than 10,000 in the US. Family law encompasses broader issues than just divorce, such as child custody, visitation and support; estate planning; and cohabitation and pre-nuptial agreements. According to a 2013 study, 63% of divorce lawyers said there was an increase in the number of prenuptial agreements from 2011 to % said more women were asking for a prenup.

5 Going Separate Ways As of 2010, a wife or husband could file for a “no-fault” divorce in any of the 50 US states. More than half of the divorces in the US are “pro per,” or the parties represent themselves. Approximately 95% of all US divorces are uncontested. Collaborative practice is another settlement method. Attorneys represent both parties, but they voluntarily agree on a resolution without the need for litigation.

6 Advertising Strategies
Recommend that divorce lawyers utilize television in combination with social media to educate young adults about marriage issues instead of simply marketing their legal services. Show divorce lawyers that adults, 50+ is the largest demographic of television viewers and explain the many opportunities to reach them with specific information about divorce and its issues at their age.

7 Advertising Strategies
Content marketing is a powerful tool that attorneys should leverage in order to build trust with the local market. Building a blog and populating it with valuable and free content related to the industry is a good way to achieve this. Prospective clients rely on their divorce lawyers to explain all their options and always act in the client’s best interest. This message should be loud and clear. When someone is getting divorced, their attorney is one of the people that most need to understand their position and goals.

8 Advertising Strategies
Use television ads to acknowledge that finances, family life, and other factors have much more impact than most people are prepared for when they say “I do” - and that these aspects of marriage are difficult to change and among the top factors in divorces. If a marriage is troubled, the holiday season can be particularly difficult, and come January, some couples will be looking to divorce for a fresh start.

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