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Budget Committee Meeting II
Board Room/Staff Development Center Tuesday April 18, 2017
Agenda Update On ADA Projection Preliminary Local & State Allocations
Campuses Departments Preliminary Federal Allocations District Needs and Requests Board Workshop Review Next Meeting Open Discussion PLANNING PREPARATION EVALUATION
Update on ADA Projections
History of DISD Enrollment
Currently the District receives $5,797 per student
History of DISD ADA ** ADA is a projection based on prior data and trend analysis. ADA will be updated as information becomes available.
ADA History-Breakdown
Why the drop in ADA and Enrollment? Transfers to Charter Schools IDEA Vanguard Open Enrollment at neighboring districts PSJA Weslaco Growth Students returning to District at the Secondary level No growth expected at the Elementary level
Preliminary Allocations
Campuses- Comparison of Budget based on ADA
Campuses-Local & State based on Current Budget
Preliminary Allocations
Academic Departments Unofficial
Support Departments Unofficial
Auxiliary and Extra-Curricular Departments
Summary of Local and State Funding
Federal Programs
Needs and Requests
Needs Impacting the Budget
Facilities Maintenance HVAC DHS Cafeteria Expansion DNHS Additional Wing New Middle School Growth is to the North Rezoning School Year Possible Bond Issue Contingent on future IFA funding
History of Pay Increases
Board Workshop Review
WHAT IS A FUND BALANCE? Accounting Formula:
Assets – Liabilities = Fund Balance Assets = Liabilities + Fund Balance Unassigned Assigned Improve usefulness & understandability Increase transparency Improve comparability Committed Restricted To help financial statement users better understand the purpose for which governments have chosen to use particular funds for financial reporting. Non Spendable “Fund Balance classifications comprise a hierarchy based primarily on the extent to which a government is bound to observe constraints imposed upon the use of the resources reported in governmental funds.” –GASB Statement No. 54
Fund Balance History of Fund Balance Fund Balance as of Aug. 31, 2016:
Overview: Fund Balance Classifications
Non Spendable Restricted Committed Amounts that cannot be spent because they are Not in spendable form, such as inventory or prepaid expenses Legally or Contractually required to be maintained intact General Fund Balance as of Aug. 31, 2016: $516,655 Funds that have any of the following constrains: Externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other govt. Imposed by law thorough constitutional provisions or enabling legislation General Fund Balance as of Aug. 31, 2016: $1,450,645 Funds that can only be used for a specific purposes pursuant to: Constraints imposed by formal action of our School Board Trustees for a specific purpose. General Fund Balance as of Aug. 31, 2016: $ 0.00
Overview: Fund Balance Classifications
Assigned Non-Assigned Funds with intent to be used for specific purposes, but are neither restricted or committed (does not require formal board action to declare the funds as assigned). Includes all remaining positive fund that are not classified as Nonspendable, Restricted, or Committed General Fund Balance as of Aug. 31, 2016: $ 0.00 Funds in the General Fund that have not been assigned to other funds, have not been restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes. Negative Fund Balances in Governmental Funds other than the General Fund General Fund balance as of Aug. 31, 2016: $ 48,482,280
Upcoming Meeting Date: Wednesday May 17, 2017 Time: 3:00 PM
Place: Donna ISD Board Room Impact of Needs & Requests Impact of Salary Increases Tax Rate Proposals Revenue Projections Taxes State & other Local
Upcoming Budget Activities
April 24, 2017-Budget meeting with Athletics, Fine Arts & Auxiliary Directors May 9, 2017-Tentative Board Budget Workshop I: Preliminary Budget May 10, 2017-Budget Freeze May 11, 2017-Budget meeting with Principals and Directors May 17, 2017-Tentative Budget Committee Meeting III May 19, 2017 Budget Worksheet Drafts are Due May 26, 2017-Comprehensive Needs Assessment Due June 13, 2017-Tentative Board Budget Workshop II: Preliminary Budget August 8, 2017-Tentative Board Budget Workshop III: Near Final Budget August 23, 2017-Public Meeting to discuss Budget and Tax Rate August 30, 2017-TEA Budget Adoption Deadline
Open Discussion
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