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“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

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Presentation on theme: "“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”
Four Critical Interpretations







8 The End (but not the last word!)

9 Historical: Uncovering the Past
More a cautionary tale for children than a fairy tale Originally entitled “The Three Bears” Protagonist was an old crone, then a girl named “Silver Hair” then “Silver-Locks” then “Golden Hair” then “Goldilocks”

10 Formalist: Critical Themes
The struggle with one’s place The search for identity

11 Formalist: Family Dynamics
Bears represent a nuclear family Their pleasant cottage is invaded by an unwelcome outsider

12 Psychoanalytic: Oedipal Complex
G. explores gender and family roles: father, mother, child This is also a search for self and her position within the family G. is ultimately expelled for her experimentation

13 Psychoanalytic: Oedipal Complex
G. is curious about what adults do “behind closed doors” G. is tempted by the temporary absence of “parents”

14 Psychoanalytic: Oedipal Complex – Papa Bear
Father role does not fit G. Intimacy with the father is “too hot!”

15 Psychoanalytic: Oedipal Complex – Mama Bear
Mother’s bed is “too soft” = fear of engulfment and suffocation (return to the womb) Mother’s milk (porridge) is “too cold” and no longer satisfies

16 Psychoanalytic: Sibling Rivalry – Baby Bear’s POV
G. is an intruder from nowhere G. usurps his place in the family = mother’s milk, place at the table, bed(room)

17 Psychoanalytic: Sibling Rivalry – Baby Bear’s POV
BB.’s shrill voice awakens the sleeping G. BB. shrieks to drive off the newcomer G. goes back from whence she came The insider wins

18 Archetypal: Individuation– the Adolescent
G. is the adolescent at once a child yet exploring individuation The tale leaves the reader dissatisfied – it offers no place for G.

19 Archetypal: Individuation
Being lost in the forest = quest to find oneself G. is an outside intruder who never becomes an insider

20 Archetypal: Individuation
Fear of clinging to the mother = desire for individuation Only the child position is “just right” However, she has outgrown the child’s chair G. is too old to regress into an infant

21 Archetypal: Individuation– the Adolescent
Defeated, G. runs away (back into the forest?) Running away from a problem = unconscious denial or repression

22 Archetypal: Individuation – the Adolescent
G. tries to navigate her basic human position This is a tremendous psychological battle that every human must undergo

23 Archetypal: Magic Threes -- Home Invasion
“looked in at the window” “peeped in at the keyhole” “lifted the latch”

24 Archetypal: Magic Threes – Family Unit
Papa Bear = male (anima) Mama Bear = female (animus) Baby Bear (no gender assigned)

25 Archetypal: Magic Threes -- Homewrecker
3 Dishes = nourishment 3 Chairs = support 3 Beds = intimacy

26 Feminist: A Woman’s Place
G. is relegated to the domestic setting: Kitchen = domesticity Living Room = family center Bedroom = intimacy

27 Feminist: A Woman’s Place
G.’s looks are foremost: “Goldilocks” = blond curls Contrasts with her brazen behavior Judged more harshly than a naturally exuberant and adventurous boy

28 Feminist: A Woman’s Place
G. “whines” G. is indecisive G. is fickle G. is hard to please

29 Feminist: A Woman’s Place
G. is a threat to home/marital harmony G. has been in Papa Bear’s bed! = home-wrecker

30 Feminist: A Bear’s Place
Mama bear follows Papa Bear’s lead Baby bear patterns himself after his parents Sees mother subordinate to father Sees girl as a negative figure

31 And the big question is

32 Feminist: A Bear’s Place
What gender have you always assumed Baby Bear is?

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