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Gardyson L Amanda H.

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Presentation on theme: "Gardyson L Amanda H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gardyson L Amanda H

2 What is your gender? A)Male B)Female

3 How old are you? A)16 B)17 C)18 D)19

4 Have you ever drank any amount of alcohol?
A)Yes B)No

5 At what age were you first exposed to alcohol?
B) 13-15 C)

6 How often do you drink? A) Every weekend B) Occasionally C) Never

7 How many alcoholic beverages are you likely to consume on an average night of drinking?

8 Have you ever binge drank?
A)Yes B)No

9 Have you ever been around someone who was binge drinking?
A)Yes B)No

10 Have you ever been in the car with someone who was drinking and driving?
A)Yes B)No

11 Do you feel in your high school environment that more kids are drinking than staying above the influence? A)Yes B)No

12 Do you feel that in school you are given enough information on teen drinking and how to prevent it?
A) Yes B) No

13 Does your family have a history of drinking?
A)Yes B)No

14 How would you rate your parental supervision?
A)Very Strict B)Pretty Strict C) Lenient D) Barely Strict E) Do not care

15 What are your peers’ attitudes toward the consumption of alcohol?
A)Agree B) Do not agree C)Do not care.

16 Thank You

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