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Activities of the newly formed ACI Italy Chapter

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1 Activities of the newly formed ACI Italy Chapter
Marisa Pecce Vice-President of the ACI Italy Chapter Full Professor of Structural Engineering University of Sannio, Benevento, ITALY

2 Incorporation and members
Formally incorporated in December 2003 First meeting held in Naples on November 21, In that occasion the 11 members of the Board of Direction have been elected The President is Prof. Mario Chiorino (University of Turin). At date, the number of members of the Chapter is equal to 85; 24 out of 85 have also applied to become members of ACI International.

3 In-house seminars Since its formation, the ACI Italy Chapter
has provided two ACI in-house seminars on FRP Composites for Reinforced Concrete Construction.

4 In-house seminars First held in Bologna on 10/16/03 (35 practitioners)
Second held in Salerno on 12/15/03 (about 100 people)

5 Holland visit Chapter hosted a seminar given by the former ACI President, Dr. Terry Holland, titled "ACI and Sustainability“, attended by over 50 people among researchers, students and practitioners.

6 Translation of ACI 440.2R-02 externally bonded FRP systems

7 Sessions in future conventions
Special session in San Francisco in the fall of 04 on “Seismic Engineering for Concrete Structures: Italian Perspective” Due to the high number of submitted abstracts, two more sessions will be held in New York in the Spring of 05

8 Relationship with fib (federation international du beton)
Letter by Pres. Chiorino to ACI Pres. Izquierdo and fib Pres. Mancini (12/01/03) The first Chapter meeting reflected the commitment of developing a close cooperation between the Chapter itself and fib and its Italian members, especially in view of the Second fib Congress to be held in Naples in 2006

9 Second fib Congress 2006 (First in Osaka, 2002)
elect. pre-enrollment is now available info at

10 Thanks for your attention and see you in Italy !

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