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The Inca Create a Mountain Empire

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1 The Inca Create a Mountain Empire

2 Incan Beginnings “Inca” was originally the name of the ruling family of a group of people that lived in a high plateau of the Andes In 1200s, they establish a kingdom on fertile lands in the Valley of Cuzco It was built on the foundations made by several earlier cultures. (Chavin, Nazca, Moche and others)

3 Religion The Incan ruler was descended from the sun god, Inti
Worshipped dead rulers, who were preserved as sacred mummies

4 Pachacuti Takes the throne in 1438
Name means “world transformer” or “earthshaker” Expands the empire using diplomacy and force About 16 million people Inca would offer to let their enemies surrender without a fight if they wanted to.

5 Incan Government Conquered territories were divided into manageable community units Groups of 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 Ayllu-small groups of people working on projects for the common good Mita-tribute in the form of labor Cares for the aged and disabled

6 Language Quechua was imposed as the single official language for the varied peoples ruled by the Incas

7 Cities Built the same government buildings in all conquered lands
Cuzco-11,000’ above sea level Temples, plazas, palaces Had magnificent Temple of the Sun decorated in gold

8 Machu Picchu “Lost City of the Inca” Discovered in 1912
8,000’ above sea level Could only be reached by a log bridge across a deep canyon Origins and abandonment unclear Possibly a religious or ceremonial city

9 Incan Road System 14,000 mile long network of bridges and roads
Runners carry messages along the roads All led to the capital of Cuzco Tied the empire together Suspension bridges built over ravines and waterways

10 Runners on the Road Runners, or chasquis, would “hand off” a memorized message or a package to another runner waiting at a way station. That runner would sprint to the next station along the road. Stations were placed about every mile or so along the main roads, which covered thousands of miles. A message could travel 150 miles a day.

11 Government Record Keeping
Inca do not develop system of writing Quipu-set of knotted strings as accounting device Each knot represented a certain amount or its multiple. The colors of each cord represented the item begin counted: people, animals, land, and so on.

12 Economy Government controlled the economy
Little private commerce or trade Land was divided into government land, religious land, and community land. People had to spend time farming all three. Used terraced farming

13 Chuno Freeze-Dried potatoes to have in case of food shortages
The potatoes are spread on the ground, and allowed to freeze for approximately three nights. Between the freezing nights, they are exposed to the sun, and they are trampled by foot. This eliminates what little water is still retained by the potatoes, and removes the skins. After this, they are left out in the cold for two additional nights.

14 Religion Cuzco was both the administrative and religious capital of the empire Polytheistic but fewer gods than Aztecs Llama offerings Sun god important (Inti) Ice Maiden and a few children sacrificed

15 Atahaulpa In early 1500s Inca Empire reaches it heights under Huayna Capac Capac dies and in 1520s his sons, Atahualpa and Huascar, split empire Civil War follows Atahualpa defeats his brother Huascar to become ruler

16 Not Good for Atahualpa Pizarro (Spanish conquistador) captures Atahualpa and holds him captive Demands a room (22 X 17 feet) to be filled with gold and silver Pizarro executed Atahualpa even though the ransom was given (Convicted of killing his brother and plotting against Pizarro)

17 Francisco Pizarro 1535 Spanish capture Cuzco and establish a new capital at Lima

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