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This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord.

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Presentation on theme: "This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord.
Refrain: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord. The cup of our sal-va-tion and the bread.. of life. E-ter-nal God gives Him-self as our food that all who be-lieve in Him may have life.

2 Just be--fore the Lord went to the Fa-ther
Verse 1: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD Just be--fore the Lord went to the Fa-ther He took bread and wine, broke it for us. Through the gift of his blood and his bo-dy, We know we will not hun-ger a--gain.

3 This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord.
Refrain: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord. The cup of our sal-va-tion and the bread.. of life. E-ter-nal God gives Him-self as our food that all who be-lieve in Him may have life.

4 Je-sus shares Him-self for all the nations,
Verse 2 THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD Je-sus shares Him-self for all the nations, He is bread of life for all the world. And through Him we are now all God’s child-ren. In his sac-ri-fice He’s glo-ri-fied.

5 This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord.
Refrain: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord. The cup of our sal-va-tion and the bread.. of life. E-ter-nal God gives Him-self as our food that all who be-lieve in Him may have life.

6 With the eyes of our faith we see Je-sus,
Verse 3: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD With the eyes of our faith we see Je-sus, tru-ly here in the bread and the wine. By his dy-ing and ri-sing we’re free now, to give all of our life to our King.

7 This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord.
Refrain: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord. The cup of our sal-va-tion and the bread.. of life. E-ter-nal God gives Him-self as our food that all who be-lieve in Him may have life.

8 Let us sing out our prai-ses un-ending,
Verse 4: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD Let us sing out our prai-ses un-ending, for the mar-vels that He’s done for us. Through his Bo-dy and Blood which is gi-ven, Je-sus pours his own love in our hearts.

9 This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord.
Refrain: THIS IS THE BODY AND BLOOD This is the bo-dy and blood of our Lord. The cup of our sal-va-tion and the bread.. of life. E-ter-nal God gives Him-self as our food that all who be-lieve in Him may have life.

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