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Texas Revolution Battle of San Jacinto.

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1 Texas Revolution Battle of San Jacinto

2 Battle of San Jacinto As the “Runaway Scrape” was happening, the Texas government moved from Washington-on-the-Brazos to Harrisburg. Houston, believing his army was too untrained to take on Santa Anna just yet, pushed his men towards the Brazos River and settled in present-day Hempstead at Groce’s Plantation. Anger and resentment arise as the men don’t want to retreat President Burnet is upset that Houston keeps retreating, writing him to say, “The enemy is laughing you to scorn.” Unknown to many, Hendrick Arnold was posing as a runaway slave and spying for Houston within the Mexican Camps.

3 Battle of San Jacinto April 11, 1836—Houston gains “The Twin Sisters,” a pair of six-pound cannons. April 16th—Santa Anna heads to Harrisburg, but the government has already moved to New Washington on Galveston Bay. April 18th—Houston’s scouts report Santa Anna’s force is moving towards the San Jacinto River. Houston decides it’s time to attack

4 Battle of San Jacinto April 20, 1836—Texans arrive with 900 men and camp in the grove of trees. Santa Anna is just under a mile away with 850 troops Both armies are in poor positions with no clear avenue of escape. April 20th—a small skirmish takes place between the Mexican Army and Texas Cavalry Mirabeau B. Lamar distinguished himself in the encounter that he was immediately promoted and placed in charge of all Texas cavalry.

5 Battle of San Jacinto April 21, 1836—Santa Anna is reinforced by General Cos with 540 troops, most of whom are exhausted from a forced night march Santa Anna is confident the Texans won’t attack and orders his troops to rest. Cos arrived using a nearby bridge. Houston had Deaf Smith and a few others destroy the bridge, preventing other Mexican reinforcements from arriving. Doing this also prevented a path of retreat for the Texans and Mexicans.

6 Battle of San Jacinto April 21, 1836 at 3:00 p.m.—Houston orders his commanders to assemble the men for an “immediate” attack This included Juan Seguin’s Tejano Cavalry Unit 4:00 p.m.—The Texans form extended lines on both sides of the “Twin Sisters” and move quietly across the prairie until they clear the “rise.” Many Mexican soldiers are sleeping as a volley of cannon fire and shouts of “Remember the Alamo” and “Remember Goliad” ring out.


8 Battle of San Jacinto The battle was won in 18 minutes as Mexicans fled or surrendered. 600 Mexicans and 9 Texans were killed 730 Mexicans were captured Sam Houston was injured in the battle.

9 Battle of San Jacinto April 22, 1836—Santa Anna disappeared during the battle, so Houston orders a thorough search of the Mexican campsite. He is found in the nearby marsh. Houston refuses his execution, saying, “My motivation in sparing the life of Santa Anna was to relieve the country of all hostile enemies without further bloodshed, and to secure his acknowledgement of our independence.”

10 Capture of Santa Anna

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