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2 Summary of Mechanics 1 Muscles pull; they don’t push 2 Muscle lengthen by being yanked on by antagonists or gravity 3 Muscle force can be graded by recruitment of motor units 4 You activate small motor units first: the size principle 5 Muscle force can be graded by repetitive stimulation 6 Muscle force can be graded by changing length, but who cares 7 Muscle velocity is inversely related to muscle force: you can be strong or fast but not both at the same time 8 Muscle power peaks at 1/3 maximum force 9 Pinnate muscle fibers develop more force at lower velocity because of the angle 10 Muscles fatigue: they drop force on continued use 11 Muscles are heterogeneous based on contractile properties Slow twitch (S) Fast fatigue resistant (FR) Fast Intermediate (FI) Fast fatiguable (FF)

3 Summary of contractile mechanisms
1 Muscle cells are highly organized 2 Myofibrils consists of interdigitating hexagonal arrays of filaments 3 Thick filaments are mainly myosin: A bands 4 Thin filaments are actin + tropomyosin + TnI + TnC + TnT: I bands 5 Sliding filaments explains the length-tension curve 6 Cross-Bridge cycling couples ATP hydrolysis to force or shortening 7 Myosin isoforms have different turnover numbers 8 Muscles can be classified by their myosin isoforms Type I (slow twitch) Type IIa (fast twitch oxidative) Type Iib (fast twitch glycolytic) 9 Costameres may transmit force from myofilaments to muscle exterior through the cytoskeleton

4 The Ca transient trails the muscle action potential and precedes force development

5 SR release and uptake activities are separate

6 SR Ca release produces a Ca transient and A-M activation

7 SR Ca reuptake shuts down A-M interaction

8 The Ca transient is a switch for A-M activity

9 Tropomyosin spreads TnC control of A-M interaction along the actin filament

10 Occupancy of TnC by Ca trails the Ca transient but precedes force development

11 The series-elastic model explains twitch time and tetany

12 Summation of Ca transients allows force to catch up with TnC-Ca saturation


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