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Contraction sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "Contraction sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraction sentence

2 Contraction Sentences (short forms)
To be (am, are, is) Affirmative Negative long form short form I am I'm I am not I'm not he, she, it: he is he's he is not he isn't or he's not we, you, they: we are we're we are not we aren't or we're not

3 To be (was, were) Have Got
affirmative negative long form short form I, he, she, it: he was - he was not he wasn't we, you, they: we were we were not we weren't Have Got Affirmative negative long form short form I, we, you, they: we have got we've got we have not got we've not got or we haven't got he, she, it: he has got he's got he has not got he's not got or he hasn't got

4 Had Do affirmative negative long form short form
every time regardless the subject (I, he, she, it, we, you, they): I had I'd I had not I hadn't Do affirmative negative long form short form I, we, you, they: I do - I do not I don't he, she, it: he does he does not he doesn't

5 Modals (can, could, must, might, will, would, shall, should, ought to)
affirmative negative long form short form can - cannot can't could could not couldn't must must not mustn't might might not -- need need not needn't will 'll will not won't would 'd would not wouldn't shall shall not shan't should should not shouldn't ought to ought not to oughtn't to

6 Underline the contraction in each sentence
Underline the contraction in each sentence. Then, write the words that each contraction stands for 1. I don't understand what you mean. Do not 2. She'll come over tomorrow. ________ 3. I could've gone to the football game. _________ 4. I won't be home until Thursday. _______ 5. She's gone to the bank already. ______ 6. They weren't in the kitchen. ______ 7. Billy wasn't eating any of the cake. ______ 8. I've already cleaned the dishes. ______

7 Make Sentences Make 5 Contraction sentences of your own. Couldn't
Shouldn't Mustn't Needn't Can't

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