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Poetry, Prose and the Satyricon

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1 Poetry, Prose and the Satyricon
Leah Aspinwall

2 Poetry in Ancient Rome/Greece
Poetry was more common than prose Mysterious--Inspired by gods Oral Literature Pre-literate society Appealing patterns Alliteration, rhyme, rhythm, repetition, etc.

3 Prose Poetry had to lose social and professional functions
In 8th Century BCE, prose was adapted The Satyricon Its length begged for this, meter would be difficult Associations with modern-day fiction Narrative techniques

4 Menippean Satire Combines prose and poetry
The Satyricon uses a “modified” version Satyricon ≠ Menippean Satire Low-Comedy uses short poems Petronius uses epic meter and short poems

5 Overall... Petronius: Uses poetry and prose
“Synthesizes”, uses a “distinct hybrid”, was “ambitious” Composes Vulgar Latin Difficult/impossible to make into verse (esp. Dinner Party Episode) Mocks poetry??

6 Citations Sarah Ruden Petronius Satyricon. Hackett: Indianiapolis. ISBN

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