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The Power of Poetry ~The complete collection of poetry club know-how

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1 The Power of Poetry ~The complete collection of poetry club know-how
Official First Meeting: Today, September 29, 2017 (Happy Friday!)

2 Dates to Know (and other related fun facts)
National Poetry Day Poem in Your Pocket Day National Poetry Day encourages participants to send poems to friends, colleagues, and the wider world. National Poetry Day was actually yesterday, Thursday, September 28th. Mostly this day is just meant to foster a love of poetry across a broader community. While the 2017 Poem in your Pocket day has passed (it was April 27th), the Poem in your Pocket day for the 2018 year is going to be Tuesday, April 24th. This is a world-wide celebration and all you have to do is write out your favorite poem, keep it on you, and share it with others. Just as with National Poetry Day, this is meant to foster a love of poetry across a broader community.

3 Events to Look Forward To…
We are planning a field trip to create Mug’Ems (this is a portmanteau of the words mugs and poems- essentially you create short poems to put on mugs so that you have your very own customized Mug’Em). Dates are to be announced. SPS is hoping to participate in this years upcoming Fall Festival. The meeting to discuss that and ideas relating it will be on October 3rd. Please brainstorm ideas and come prepared to collaborate. (Themes: 1. Superhero –DC or Marvel- 2. Harry Potter 3. Star Wars) Any and all future events will be presented to you as the year progresses.

4 The Need-to-Know on SPS
SPS, or Slam Poets Society, is an all-inclusive club for high school students to get together to enjoy, recite, and provide constructive criticism on poetry. You’ll need a notebook or journal exclusively for the club. That said, you will not be forced to stand up and recite at any point. SPS is meant to provide a safe, positive environment for all us eccentric, odd souls to get together and appreciate the written word. While constructive criticism is welcome, negativity is strictly prohibited. SPS is not a competitive club, it’s not a competition to see who’s the best writer. Whether you write all the time, or have never written a line in your life, we’re all equals in this room. *SPS has an open spot for vice-president so there will be an opportunity for all interested to attempt to obtain the coveted position. While original poetry members have already created one, we want to know if newer members would like to create a Slam Poets Club t-shirt, or, if older members would like to create a new one. If so, start working on ideas for the shirt and we will reconvene next meeting. All members, old or new, may buy the shirt. A new aspect of SPS effective this year will be the club-wide poetry journal (name pending). This would be a poets journal for the entire club to take turns using and leaving their mark on (participation is optional). This is not a burn book, or a place for you to critique other peoples work (especially without permission) so keep to your own space and stay positive!

5 Poems to Experience: Rachel Rostad’s “Names” (NPS 2013)- h44&list=PLQWESMsEbvmPw3ip__VF4fu8gh7MHNX1H&index=1 Neil Hilborn’s “OCD” (Rustbelt 2013)- s&index=2&list=PLQWESMsEbvmPw3ip__VF4fu8gh7MHNX1H Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye’s “An Origin Story”- 7MHNX1H Bianca Phipps’ “Almosts” (CUPSI 2014)- h7MHNX1H 2013 Brave New Voices (Finals) Denver Team Round #1- DSGCss&index=3&list=PLQWESMsEbvmPw3ip__VF4fu8gh7MHNX1H

6 Remember to Sign-Up! to to sign up for all reminders about meeting information, meeting dates, upcoming events, etc. Thank you all so much! I hope you all have in inspiring year in SPS! <3<3<3

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