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Environmental Science Jeopardy!

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Science Jeopardy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Science Jeopardy!

2 Environmental SCIENCE JEOPARDY
Final Jeopardy Environmental SCIENCE JEOPARDY Natural Resources Human Impact Pollution Solutions More Pollution Solutions Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 Natural Resources $100 Question
What is a natural resource? Give two examples. ANSWER

4 Natural Resources $100 Answer
Anything in the environment that is used by people. Fossil Fuels, Plants, wildlife, minerals, solar energy, wind energy, water BACK TO THE BOARD

5 Natural Resources $200 Question
When forestry resources are depleted by cutting down trees in an area it is called _________________. ANSWER

6 Natural Resources $200 Answer
Deforestation BACK TO THE BOARD

7 Natural Resources $300 Question
What is a nonrenewable resource? Give an example. ANSWER

8 Natural Resources $300 Answer
Cannot be replaced in a useful time frame (within your lifetime). Fossil Fuels BACK TO THE BOARD

9 Natural Resources $400 Question
Windmills produce electricity from the energy in wind. What type of natural resource is wind? ANSWER

10 Natural Resources $400 Answer
Renewable resource BACK TO THE BOARD

11 Natural Resources $500 Question
What is the difference between a biotic resource and an abiotic resource? Give an example of each. ANSWER

12 Natural Resources $500 Answer
Biotic=Living - Forests and Wildlife Abiotic=Non-living Land/soil, fossil fuels, water, wind, minerals BACK TO THE BOARD

13 Human Impact $100 Question
The sum total of the variety of organisms in the biosphere; It is a measure of the health of an ecosystem. ANSWER

14 Human Impact $100 Answer Biodiversity BACK TO THE BOARD

15 Human Impact $200 Question
Plants or animals that have migrated or been introduced into places where they are not native and for which there are no natural predators or parasites to control their population ANSWER

16 Human Impact $200 Answer Invasive Species BACK TO THE BOARD

17 DAILY DOUBLE!!!! Question

18 Human Impact $300 Question
A process caused by a combination of poor farming practices, overgrazing, and drought that turns productive land in areas with dry climates into deserts ANSWER

19 Human Impact $300 Answer Desertification BACK TO THE BOARD

20 Human Impact $400 Question
Burning fossil fuels puts nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides in atmosphere and causes this… ANSWER

21 Human Impact $400 Answer Acid Rain BACK TO THE BOARD

22 Human Impact $500 Question
This process is caused by the burning of fossil fuels, methane from decomposition and animals, and CFC’s released into the atmosphere. It leads to flooding, loss of species, habitat loss, and much more. ANSWER

23 Human Impact $500 Answer Global Warming BACK TO THE BOARD

24 Pollution Solutions $100 Question
Give three examples of how you can reduce your carbon footprint. ANSWER

25 Pollution Solutions $100 Answer
Reduce electricity-turn off the lights Reduce water use- take shorter showers Reuse water bottles Recycle plastic, paper, aluminum Buy local foods Use public transportation BACK TO THE BOARD

26 Pollution Solutions $200 Question
Any change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things is called ______. ANSWER

27 Pollution Solutions $200 Answer

28 Pollution Solutions $300 Question
Name three ways that you can reuse something to conserve natural resources. ANSWER

29 Pollution Solutions $300 Answer
Reuse-water bottles, plastic containers, boxes for storage, give clothing to Goodwill, give gently used binders to Mrs. Mabe! BACK TO THE BOARD

30 Pollution Solutions $400 Question
What are three ways you can conserve water? ANSWER

31 Pollution Solutions $400 Answer
1. Take shorter showers 2. Only do full loads of laundry 3. Fix leaking pipes 4. Turn off running water when brushing your teeth BACK TO THE BOARD

32 Pollution Solutions $500 Question
Using natural resources in a way that allows them to last for future generations is called _______. ANSWER

33 Pollution Solutions $500 Answer
Sustainability or Sustainable Development Practices BACK TO THE BOARD

34 More Pollution Solutions $100 Question
Compare and contrast solar energy to coal energy. ANSWER

35 More Pollution Solutions $100 Answer
Solar energy is cleaner and inexpensive to get (it’s free). Coal is dirtier and it causes more pollution. BACK TO THE BOARD

36 More Pollution Solutions $200 Question
Being careful how we use resources is called _____. ANSWER

37 More Pollution Solutions $200 Answer
Conservation BACK TO THE BOARD

38 More Pollution Solutions $300 Question
State three things you can do in your house to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. ANSWER

39 More Pollution Solutions $300 Answer
Answers may include: Use solar panels Insulate your house properly Water heater blanket for water heater CFL lights More/larger windows for natural lighting Shorter showers Turn off lights when not in use BACK TO THE BOARD

40 More Pollution Solutions $400 Question
Urban areas have more pollution than rural areas. What are two practical ideas for reducing the amount of pollution in Urban areas (cities and big towns). ANSWER

41 More Pollution Solutions $400 Answer
Answers may include: Use public transportation or walk Reduce the amount of light/water/electricity use Have sections set aside for parks Establish recycling centers BACK TO THE BOARD

42 More Pollution Solutions $500 Question
How can fertilizers used in farming and on lawns negatively impact ponds, lakes, and rivers? ANSWER

43 More Pollution Solutions $500 Answer
The fertilizer runs off of the land and gets into water sources. It enriches the water with nutrients that algae use to reproduce rapidly. The algae grows out of control covering the surface shading plants below and using up oxygen. BACK TO THE BOARD

44 Name a gas that causes global warming?
Potpourri $100 Question Name a gas that causes global warming? ANSWER

45 Potpourri $100 Answer Carbon Monoxide Methane BACK TO THE BOARD

46 The greater the _____ of an ecosystem, the more easily it may recover.
Potpourri $200 Question The greater the _____ of an ecosystem, the more easily it may recover. ANSWER

47 Potpourri $200 Answer Biodiversity BACK TO THE BOARD

48 Potpourri $300 Question Human population growth can be described as _______, which means it is still growing and has not reached its maximum level . ANSWER

49 Potpourri $300 Answer Exponential BACK TO THE BOARD

50 Potpourri $400 Question When a population of organisms reaches its maximum #, it has reached its ______ _______. ANSWER

51 Potpourri $400 Answer Carrying Capacity BACK TO THE BOARD

52 What are the four spheres that interact together on planet Earth?
Potpourri $500 Question What are the four spheres that interact together on planet Earth? ANSWER

53 Potpourri $500 Answer Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere/Lithosphere,
and Hydrosphere BACK TO THE BOARD

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