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Economics of International Migration1

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1 Economics of International Migration1
Jan Brzozowski, PhD Cracow University of Economics

2 Outline Basic info Basic facts and figures Typologies Stakeholders

3 Jan Brzozowski Office hours: Tuesday 11:20-12:50 (261 building B)
Research interests: international migration and socio-economic development, economic integration of immigrants, immigrant transnationalism, immigrant and ethnic entrepreneurship

4 References/materials
Castles, S., Miller, M., The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World, 4ht Edition, Guilford Press: London, 2009 Further reading provided in Moodle PPT presentations provided in Moodle

5 Exam 24th January 2015 Tuesday, 9:35, room A, pav. C
Short essay on the economics consequences of international migration (there will be 3 different, more specific topic to choose from, a student can chose 1 topic)

6 Basic Facts & Figures 231.5 million international migrants worldwide (2013, UNPD) This is 3.2% of a world total population in 2013 This ratio remain stable for ca. 20 years

7 But The impact of international migration on world economy is bigger than those 3% Moreover, it is multidimensional and complex, affecting various areas of interest and numerous stakeholders

8 Remittances (billions USD)

9 1/3 of the GDP of Palestinian Territories is made by remittances
Remittances account for 50% of GDP in Guinea-Bissau

10 FDI ¼ of Foreign Direct Investment in Armenia comes from Diaspora
But also the same share in India ( ) And in China: in 2000, Diaspora members invested ca. 28 billion USD in home country

11 Typologies Migrants and migration flows are not homogenous
Can you give any examples of migrants and/or migration movements?

12 Migrants Refugees & displaced persons Irregular migrants
Semi-skilled migrants Highly-skilled migrants

13 Migration Voluntary/forced Economic-driven/political
Long-term/short-term Seasonal and circular Educational

14 Stakeholders Who is interested in international migration management?

15 Stakeholders Political parties in home, host and transition countries
NGOs and, human rights acticists and charity organizations Trade unions and employer’s associations Governments International organizations and institutions (IOM, EU, UN)

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