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Rodrigue Bazame*   Harun Tanrıvermiş* Yunus Emre Kapusuz*

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Rodrigue Bazame* Harun Tanrıvermiş* Yunus Emre Kapusuz* *Department of Real Estate Development and Management, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

2 Motivation 50% land resources are under hydric erosion threat (DGAT 2009) High rate of Population growth (3% annually)

3 Motivation Successive reformulations of Agrarian and Land Reform Act Since its first implemention1984 Increase of land conflicts especially in Rural Areas Dualism in Land authority Unsecure land ownership Uncontrolled urban areas extension Land grabbing in Rural areas Low level of urban infrastructures investments Unclear land market

4 Research Questions What is the context of land resources and their use in Burkina Faso? How land use changed over the time? What are the main drivers of this change? What are the institutional problems? How land management system can be improved?

5 Methodology and Data Chronological analysis of land use change
Analysis of the drivers affecting arable land change- a multiple linear regression estimation Institutional framework and policy assessment- Literature review and interviews INSD, FAO and World Bank

6 Land use in Burkina Faso

7 LUC by Category over the period 1961-2014

8 LUC over

9 Econometric estimation of Arable LC
Arable agricultural lands (1000ha) Coefficients St. error t P>|t| (constant) 119,0568 27,64269 4,31 0,000 Forestlands (1000 ha) 0, 0, 4,22 Other lands (1000 ha) -0, 0, -97,94 Total annual population growth (%) 14,2207 7,042981 2,02 0,05 Share of Active population (%) -3,550805 0, -3,77 0,001 Share of Rural population (%) -5,216032 5,725792 -0,91 0,368 Arable land per capita (ha) 117,5295 127,4204 0,92 0,362 GNP per capita (USD/person) -0, 0,451559 -1,34 0,187 Value added of agriculture to GDP (USD/Ha) 0, 0, 1,80 0,079 Agricultural exports value (1000 USD) -7,72e-06 2,92e-06 -2,64 0,012 Number of tractors (No.) 0, 0,006659 0,43 0,671

10 Land Management system in BF
(1) Cadastre and Land registry system Absence of well-functioning digital cadastre survey registration system (out of 13 regional directory 10 are effective with limited works) Land titles cover only 3,11% of the territory

11 Land Management system in BF
(2) Institutional Framework Multiplicity of institutions affiliated to different ministries Coordination issues and duties conflicts Not effective in all the country Misunderstanding from customary (local) entities Lack of adequate Materials and Equipment Lack of human resources Lack of financial resources

12 Land Management and Iinstitutional Iissues
(3) Land Policy Implementation Experience Significant regulations related to land issues but not sufficiently implemented (World Bank 2014) No main Land policy but PNSFMR ( ) and PHUD ( )

13 Land Management and Iinstitutional Iissues
Configuration of projects implementation in the framework of law (Hochet et al. 2014)

14 Land Management and Iinstitutional Iissues
Uncontrolled urban areas extension due to Squatting Land speculation Urban areas not sufficiently equipped Absence of physical and Town Plan (TP) drawings In ssome of areas either physical or TP drawings are not yet prepared

15 Conclusion A rapid LUC mostly affected by population growth
Extensive agricultural exploitation and oriented to family consumption Uncontrolled urban extension and poorly equipped Multiplicity of institutions and Coordination Problems Land policy unsufficiently implemented Absence of land planning instrument (TP, land Consolidation plans) A recurrent land resources degradation with increase of land conflicts

16 Policy Recommendations
A Ministry of land Cadastral survey works and land registry countrywide Reinforcement of cooperation with countries like Turkey in term of cadastre system modernisation Mid-term and long-term land policies Reinforcement of local populations participation in land management Improvement of Rural infrastructure (land consolidation and irrigation systems) Reinforcement of cooperation with NGOs engaged in land resources protection Land management and Real Estate curricula in universities

17 Thank you for attention!!!

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