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Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Mendel’s Laws.

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1 Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Mendel’s Laws

2 Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Law of Dominance An organism with different forms (alleles) of a gene will express the form that is dominant. Heterozygous (hybrid) individuals express only the dominant trait. RR (round) x rr (wrinkled) yields all Rr (round seeds)

3 What happens when the F1’s are crossed?
Mendel’s Law of Dominance Monohybrid cross –Breeding experiment that tracks the inheritance of ONE trait What happens when the F1’s are crossed?

4 For each monohybrid cross
Mendel cross-fertilized true-breeding plants that were different in just one character —in this case, flower color. He then allowed the hybrids (the F1 generation) to self-fertilize.

5 Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Law of Dominance

6 Mendel’s Law of Segregation
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Mendel’s Law of Segregation Each inherited trait is controlled by a gene pair (2 alleles). Parental genes are randomly separated to the sex cells (gametes) so that sex cells contain only one allele of the gene pair. offspring inherit one genetic allele from each parent when sex cells unite in fertilization.

7 Applying the Law of Segregation
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Applying the Law of Segregation

8 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment Mendel’s “Law of Independent Assortment” a. Each pair of alleles separates Independently during gamete formation b. Formula: 2n (n = # of heterozygotes) A breeding experiment that tracks the inheritance of two traits.

9 Cross 2 HYBRID pea plants All possible gamete combinations
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Dihybrid Cross 2 Traits: Seed shape & Seed color Alleles: R - round r - wrinkled Y - yellow y - green Cross 2 HYBRID pea plants RrYy x RrYy RY, Ry, rY, ry RY, Ry, rY, ry All possible gamete combinations

10 Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Dihybrid Cross RY Ry rY ry RY Ry rY ry

11 Dihybrid Cross 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio RY Ry rY ry Round/Yellow: 9
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Dihybrid Cross RY Ry rY ry Round/Yellow: 9 Round/green: 3 wrinkled/Yellow: 3 wrinkled/green: 1 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio RRYY RRYy RrYY RrYy RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy

12 Dihybrid Cross Phenotype:
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Dihybrid Cross Phenotype: Round/Yellow: 9/16 Round/green: 3/16 wrinkled/Yellow:3/16 wrinkled/green:1/16 9:3:3:1

13 Mendel’s Law of Indpependent Assortment

14 Remember: 2n (n = # of heterozygotes) 1. RrYy 2. AaBbCCDd
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Question: How many different gametes will be produced for the following allele arrangements? Remember: 2n (n = # of heterozygotes) 1. RrYy 2. AaBbCCDd 3. MmNnOoPPQQRrssTtQq

15 Answer: 1. RrYy: 2n = 22 = 4 gamete possibilities RY Ry rY ry
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Answer: 1. RrYy: 2n = 22 = 4 gamete possibilities RY Ry rY ry 2. AaBbCCDd: 2n = 23 = 8 gamete possibilities ABCD ABCd AbCD AbCd aBCD aBCd abCD abCD MmNnOoPPQQRrssTtQq: 2n = 26 = 64 gametes

16 Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Test Cross A mating between an individual of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual. Example: bbH__ x bbhh BB = brown eyes Bb = brown eyes bb = blue eyes HH = curly hair Hh = curly hair hh = straight hair bH b___ bh bh

17 Test Cross PossibLe results: bbHh H bH b__ bH b__ bh bbHh bbhh or h bh
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Test Cross PossibLe results: bbHh H bH b__ bH b__ bh bbHh bbhh or h bh bbHh bbHh bh

18 Summary of Mendel’s laws
Mendelian Genetics 7/30/2018 Summary of Mendel’s laws LAW PARENT CROSS OFFSPRING DOMINANCE TT x tt tall x short 100% Tt tall SEGREGATION Tt x Tt tall x tall 75% tall 25% short INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT RrGg x RrGg round & green x round & green 9/16 round seeds & green pods 3/16 round seeds & yellow pods 3/16 wrinkled seeds & green pods 1/16 wrinkled seeds & yellow pods

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