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Horse Colors There are Five Basic Colors

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Presentation on theme: "Horse Colors There are Five Basic Colors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Horse Colors There are Five Basic Colors 1. Bay -Light to dark reddish brown body with black points

2 Horse Colors 2. Black-

3 Horse Colors 3. Brown-usually lighter colored around flanks, muzzle, dark mane & tail

4 Horse Colors 4. Chestnut-reddish brown color, mane and tail color same as body or may be flax colored. A light red chestnut is a sorrel.

5 Horse Colors 5. White

6 Color Variations 1. Dun-yellowish color, dark strip down back, mane and tail black to red colored.

7 Color Variations 2. Gray-mixture of black and white hairs.

8 Color Variations 3. Palomino- gold colored body with white, silver or ivory colored mane and tail.

9 Color Variations 4. Roan- Mixture of brown or red and white hairs

10 Color Variations 5. Appaloosa- variable color, look for “blanket” with small spots

11 Color Variations 6. Pinto/Paint- Spotted horse with larger irregular spots over the body

12 Paint/Pinto Markings- 2 types
Overo - a basic solid coat with large, irregular splashes of white over it. Tobiano - a white base coat with large, irregular patches of solid color

13 Other color comparisons

14 Other color comparisons

15 Other color comparisons

16 Face Markings Bald Face-most of the front of the face of the horse is white Stripe-narrow band of white from forehead to muzzle Blaze-wide band of white running from forehead to muzzle Snip-white on muzzle Star-white on forehead

17 Leg Markings Stocking-white leg up to knee of hock
Sock-white leg about halfway up Ankle-white from coronet and including fetlock Coronet-white ring around hoof head


19 Equine G.I. Tract Mouth-Esophagus-Stomach-Small Intestine-Large Intestine

20 Breeds

21 Appaloosa

22 Arabian

23 Belgian

24 Buckskin

25 Clydesdale

26 Friesian

27 Hackney

28 Missouri Fox Trotter

29 Morgan

30 Mustang

31 National Show Horse

32 Paint

33 Palomino

34 Peruvian Paso

35 Pony of the Americas

36 Quarter Horse

37 Saddlebred

38 Shetland Pony

39 Standardbred

40 Tennessee Walking Horse

41 Thoroughbred

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