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Riding the Wave of Innovation

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Presentation on theme: "Riding the Wave of Innovation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Riding the Wave of Innovation
Vendor Portal Sandy Green Senior Business Analyst/QA

2 Vendor Portal What is Vendor Portal?
New portal that allows your vendors to log in and view their unpaid and paid invoices and purchase orders Vendors can submit requests to update their demographic and contact information Vendors can upload documents such as their W-9 form This new portal has the same look and feel as Employee Service Portal (ESP)

3 Vendor Portal Sign In Same basic sign in page as ESP.
Admin options to control ‘Forgot your username?’, ‘Forgot your password?’, and ‘Create account’ links.

4 Create Vendor Account Vendor enters their alio assigned Vendor Number, last 4 of their Federal ID, and a purchase order or invoice number. If they are a new vendor and do not have a purchase order or invoice number yet, they can leave this field blank to create their account. The vendor creates their user name, password, and creates their security questions and answers.

5 Vendor Home page The Vendor Home page contains 3 sections:
Vendor Address Information Contains 3 address tabs – Primary, Purchase Order, and Payment System Messages Similar to ESP’s Employee News section. This is where you can broadcast messages to all your vendors. Quick Links Same functionality as ESP’s Quick Links. Provides a place for you to define URL links for the vendors.

6 View Unpaid Invoices

7 View Paid Invoices Drill down to the check details by clicking the Check Number link

8 Check Inquiry Details

9 View Purchase Orders Drill down to the purchase order details by clicking the PO Number link

10 Purchase Order Details

11 My Attachments Vendor can upload documents that you may request of them Provides you with quicker access rather than sending via or snail mail Vendor can add, modify, or delete documents Admin options to receive notification when documents are uploaded

12 Vendor Forms In administration, you create categories to organize and publish documents and Web page links for the vendors. Vendors can use the forms page to view, download, save, and print the items you post.

13 Demographic Request History Queue
The Demographic Request History Queue allows the vendor to view all of their submitted demographic requests Vendors click on the New Request link to submit a new request

14 Demographic Request Vendors can select existing address/contact information to update or they can select to add new demographic records Vendors are allowed to request changes to their Primary, Purchase Order, or Payment demographic records

15 Demographic Change Request
Vendors can: Add/update/delete address information Add/update/delete contact information Attach documents

16 Administration Customizing your vendor portal

17 Administration Home page
Same look and feel as ESP

18 Users Users are the administrative users for Vendor Portal.
This is where you add new admin users or grant permission to existing ESP users.

19 User Account Details Grant access to Vendor Portal
reset password link

20 User Roles Ability to add/remove users from system admin role
Ability to set Role Timeout

21 Vendors

22 Vendor Account Details
reset password link Delete vendor account

23 Preferences - General Shares some settings with ESP
If you have both ESP and Vendor Portal, there are several settings that are shared. The highlighted options are Vendor Portal specific. Any setting label containing ‘Vendor’ is specific to Vendor Portal only.

24 Preferences - Accounts
Shares some settings with ESP If you have both ESP and Vendor Portal, there are several settings that are shared. The highlighted options are Vendor Portal specific.

25 Preferences - Logos All logos are shared between ESP and Vendor Portal

26 Preferences – Automated Tasks
If you have both ESP and Vendor Portal, there are several settings that are shared. The highlighted options are Vendor Portal specific.

27 Site Colors If you have both ESP and Vendor Portal, there are several settings that are shared. Site Color settings are shared.

28 Links

29 News

30 Setup If you have both ESP and Vendor Portal, there are several settings that are shared. The highlighted options are Vendor Portal specific.

31 Vendor Forms

32 Request Setup

33 Feature Availability

34 Vendor Attachments

35 Approval Queue If you are the person identified to do approvals, you will see any outstanding requests display in your My Pending Approvals queue. If you are a System Administrator, you have the ability to override the approver and approve requests. You will see any outstanding request display in the Pending Request queue.

36 Additional Training If you are interested in other alio WebEx group training sessions, you can view a list of sessions currently available at, If you prefer one-on-one training, please contact your alio support provider directly for cost and scheduling information.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact alio support at or by direct to

37 Thank you for Attending!
Discussion Thank you for Attending!

38 Thank you for Attending!

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