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So you are going to arbitrate - now what?

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Presentation on theme: "So you are going to arbitrate - now what?"— Presentation transcript:

1 So you are going to arbitrate - now what?
Howard Parish Arbitrator/Mediator

2 Authority to Arbitrate
Steelworkers Trilogy Private Sector vs Public Sector Binding Arbitration Advisory Arbitration

3 Challenges to arbitrability
Legal Substantive Procedural

4 Prior to Hearing Subpoena’s Steno Record Use of Tape Recording
Preparing the witnesses

5 Preparing the witnesses
Interview all potential witnesses individually Evaluate and sequence selected witnesses in order of testimony Meet with all witnesses as a group Prepare Direct examination for each witness Prepare each witness for Direct -examination Prepare each witness for Cross-examination Get feedback from witnesses

6 Preliminary Procedures
Social Amenities Review Prior Understandings Stipulating the issue Settlement efforts Exhibits Stipulations of fact Request to Sequester

7 Framing the issue Clarity Brevity Multiple Issues

8 Going on the Record Arbitrator’s opening The Official Record
Sets the ground rules Identifies the stipulations Lists the exhibits States the issue The Official Record

9 Conducting the Hearing
Discipline vs. Contract Violation Opening Statement Direct Examination Cross Examination Summation Oral, Written Brief, Rebuttal Brief

10 Opening Statement Oral Written Purpose

11 Direct Questioning Establish Witnesses Identity , Competence and position in with employer Establish witnesses relationship to the case Get out the facts ASAP Use the what, where, why,when, and how form of questioning. Ask only about what that the witness has seen, heard or knows. Ask only about issues that are relevant to the case. Ask only one question at a time Avoid negatives Make questions brief. Avoid legalize

12 10 Commandments of Cross Examination
1. Be Brief 2 . Short Questions, Plain Words 3. Ask only leading questions 4. Never ask a question to which you don’t know the answer! 5. Listen to the answer. 6. Do not quarrel with the witness. 7. Do not permit the witness to explain. 8. Do not ask witness to repaeat the testimony given on direct examination. 9. Avoid one question too many. 10. Save the explanation for the summary

13 Summation Oral Summary Written Brief

14 Issues that Impact the Arbitrator
By the Advocates Preparation Harassment Evasiveness Legalities Courtesy and Decorum Relevance Consistency Documents

15 Issues that Impact the Arbitrator
By the Witnesses Personal Appearance Credibility Testimony Self-control

16 How Decisions are Made The Collective Bargaining Agreement
Past Practice Precedence Equity Basic Labor Conventions Just Cause Progressive Discipline Other Issues

17 Seven Tests of Just Cause
1.Notice 2. Reasonable Rule of Order 3. Investigation 4. Fair Investigation 5. Proof 6. Equal Treatment 7. Penalty

18 Arbitrator’s Award The Award Bench Decision Expedited Award
Interim Award Full award Grounds for Vacating Corruption Fraud Undue Means CBA Evident Partiality

19 You Decide the Issue Sample Arbitration Cases to be decided:

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