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English Week 1 Term 1.

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Presentation on theme: "English Week 1 Term 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Week 1 Term 1

2 Lesson 4 L.O: To review and order the days of the week.
Who can show me on their hands how many days are in a week? What day is today? What day is tomorrow? Lets see if we can remember them all!

3 L.O: To respond to and detail a story.
Who has heard of the ….. Lets watch! The Very Hungry Caterpillar

4 Who were the characters in the story?

5 The caterpillar And The butterfly
Well Done! The caterpillar And The butterfly

6 What happened in the story?

7 Task time! We are going to create a map of the story, first lets discuss what we need!


9 Lesson 5 L.O: To sequence a story.

10 Who can remember the days of the week?

11 The Very Hungry Caterpillar L.O: To sequence a story. Lets watch!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

12 Task time! On our tables we are going to order the story.

13 Take pictures teachers!

14 Great Team work everyone!
Well done! Great Team work everyone!

15 L.O: To write and say sounds correctly.
Lesson 6 L.O: To write and say sounds correctly.

16 WOW!

17 Page 8

18 Page 39

19 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.
Lesson 7 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.

20 Lets look at our spelling boards.
What do we have on our boards?

21 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.
What is this animal? c a t

22 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.
What is this animal? d o g

23 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.
What is this animal? r a t

24 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.
What is this animal? b a t

25 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.
What is this object? h a t

26 L.O: To blend sounds together to make words.
What is this animal? h e n

27 L.O: To form a sentence using new vocabulary.

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