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Progressive President: Taft and Wilson

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1 Progressive President: Taft and Wilson

2 Progressive President: Taft and Wilson
William Howard Taft Hand picked by Roosevelt to be his successor Policies Opposed Restriction on Immigration Worked to better race relations Prevent Railroad companies from raising rates Pass Workers Compensation Bill 16th Amendment: Allows the government to collect an Income Tax

3 Progressive President: Taft and Wilson
Election of 1912 Republican: William Howard Taft Progressive: Theodore Roosevelt Democrats: Woodrow Wilson All Three Candidates Ran on a Progressive Platform Significance Showed the effect of the progressive movement in National Politics

4 Progressive President: Taft and Wilson
Woodrow Wilson Originally from the South Former Governor of New Jersey New Freedom The Wilson administration progressive policy. Involved attacking the “Triple wall of privilege”

5 Progressive President: Taft and Wilson
Woodrow Wilson Underwood Tariff of 1913 Lowered the tariff by 25% in attempted to lower the prices on goods. Graduated Income Tax A direct tax on goods in which wealthier people pay more in taxes Federal Reserve System U.S. bank to bank system that helps to regulate banking as well as the monetary supply World War 1 will lead to the end of the progressive movement.

6 Homework/Writing Assignment
Write a three paragraph essay arguing for which progressive President had the largest impact. (Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson). Please be sure to include at least 3 examples of policies/laws passed during their administration. Also be sure to include at least one counter argument that may be brought up against the President you picked.

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