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© Jacqueline Zimmermann

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1 © Jacqueline Zimmermann
FEI Dressage Test No 9 FEI DRESSAGE TEST 9 Singles 2008 Power Point by © Jacqueline Zimmermann HIPPOEVENT

2 FEI DRESSAGE TEST 9 Singles 2008 FEI Dressage Test No 9 Arena
40m x 100m Halt D Collected Trot Rein Back Working Trot Walk Extended Trot Canter

3 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 1 F K A–X Enter at Working Trot. X Halt, Salute. P V Driving straight on centre line, transition To Halt. Immobility. D B X E R S M H C

4 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 2 F D K XGCM Collected Trot P L V Transition to Collected Trot, Impulsion. Rhythm, Bending. B X E R I S M G H C

5 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 3 F D K MXF Extended Trot , 4m curve over X FAD Working Trot. X P L V Transition to Extended Trot, Impulsion, Rhythm and Balance. Transition to Working Trot. B X E R I S M G H C

6 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 4 F D K D–L Collected Trot. L Reins in one Hand Circle Right 20 m. Circle Left 15 m. P L V Accuracy, Impulsion, Bending. B X E Reins in one Hand R I S M G H C

7 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 5 F D K L – I Reins at will, Extended Trot Reins at will P L V Transition to extended trot. Impulsion, Quality of Step. Regularity. B X E R I S M G H C

8 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 6 F D K I Collected Trot. Reins in one Hand. Circle Left 20 m Circle Right 15 m. IGCH Working Trot, Reins at will P L Transition to Collected Trot. Accuracy, Impulsion. Transition to Working Trot. B X E Reins in one Hand R I S Reins at will M G H C

9 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 7 F D K HXK Extended Trot, 4m curve over K–A Working Trot. P L V Transition to Extended Trot, Rhythm, Balance. Transition to Working Trot. . B X E R I S M G H C

10 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 8 F D K A m Loop to the Left. Halt perpendicular to the Centre Line. Driver on the Centre Line. P L V D Regularity, Bending. Transition to Halt. B X E R I S M G H C

11 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 9 F D K Centre Line Halt for 10 seconds. P L V D Immobility. Transition to Walk. B X E R I S S E C O N D S M G H C

12 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 10 F D K 33m Loop to the Right– Walk. Halt, Driver on the Centre Line P L V Freedom, Regularity, Relaxation. Transition to Halt. B E X D R I S M G H C

13 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 11 F D K Centre Line Rein Back 5 Steps. P L V Transition to Rein Back, Quality of Steps .Transition to Collected Trot B X E R I S M G H C

14 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 12 F D K Centre Line-M 33 m Loop to the Left – Collected Trot P L V Impulsion, Rhythm, Bending. B X E R S I M H G C

15 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 13 F D K Between M and C Canter 50m loop, Left Lead, Left rein to X X Collected Trot Change circle to right P L Transition to Canter. Regularity, Lightness, Accuracy. Transition to Collected Trot B X E R I S M G H C

16 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 14 F D K X Collected trot 30m loop to right to the centre line P L V Impulsion, Rhythm, Bending. B X E R I S M G H C

17 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 15 F D K Between Centre Line and V Canter Right, Right Lead 40 m. Circle to P P L V Transition to Canter. Regularity, Lightness, Accuracy B X E R I S M G H C

18 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 16 F D K PFAP Working Trot. Half Circle, returning to track PB At P Working Trot. P L V Transition to Working Trot. Bending, Regularity B X E R I S M G H C

19 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 17 F D K B – M m deviation, working trot. Reins in one hand M – H Reins at Will P L V Accuracy, Bending, Regularity. B X E Reins in one Hand R I S Reins at will M G H C

20 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 18 F D K H Collected Trot, Circle Left 10 m. H–B Extended Trot. P L Transitions, Accuracy, Impulsion. Quality of Trots. B X E R I S M G H C

21 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 19 F D K B Collected Trot, Circle Right 10 m. B–K Extended Trot P L V Transitions, Accuracy, Impulsion. Quality of Trots. B X E R I S M G H C

22 A FEI Dressage Test No 9/08 Movement 20 F D K K–D Collected Trot. DG Extended Trot. G Halt. Salute. Leave Arena at Working Trot P L V Transitions, Impulsion, Accuracy B X E R I S D M G H C

FEI Dressage Test No 8 B 21 PACES 22 IMPULSION 23 OBEDIENCE AND LIGHTNESS 24 DRIVER 25 PRESENTATION MAXIMUM POINTS 250 All the Judges marks will be added together mulziplied by 0,64 divided by the number of Judges and deducted from 160 which will give a penalty score to which is added any incident penalties awarded by the President of the Jury R E S U L T The scale of Marks is as follows: 10 – Excellent 9 – Very good 8 – Good 7 - Fairly good 6 – Satisfactory 5 – Sufficient 4 – Insufficient 3 – Fairly bad 2 - Bad 1 – Very bad 0 – Not performed Errors of course and dismounting of grooms are penalised follows: 1st incident – 5 pentalty points 2nd incident – 10 pentalty points 3rd incident - Elimination

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