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Classification of Animals

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1 Classification of Animals
The structural organization -1]Protozoa 2] Metazoa Body symmetry -1]Asymmetrical 2]symmetrical The symmetrical animals may have any one of the following symmetry 1 Bilateral symmetry as in frog ,rat etc. 2 Radial symmetry as in hydra,starfish etc 3. Spherical symmetry as in some sea-urchins. 3.Presence or absence of Notochord 4.Presence or absence of coelom or body cavity 5. Organs of locomotion Considering the above characteristics the sub-kingdom “metazoa” is classified into ten phyla.

2 Coelenterata All are aquatic,mostly marine. The simple body of these animals consist of two layers of cells outer inner.with radial symmetry. They have a body cavity . Body has a single opening at Hypostome surrounded by sensory “tentacles” These animals reproduce asexually by “budding” e.g.hydra,jelly fish

3 Mollusca These animals mostly aquatic with unsegmented soft body covered in a shell, bilater Characteristicsally symmetrical or a symmetrical as in pila The body is distinguished into three parts. Anterior head with sense organs. Dorsal visceral mass with organ system. Ventral foot for locomotion Eg snails,octopus,etc

4 Arthropoda These are triploblastic, cylindrical,segmented,burrowing worms having a bilateral symmetry. They have a true coelom with simple organ systems. Few of them are parasites [Leech-ecoparasite] Locomotion occurs by setae They are found in marine water,fresh wateror on land Eg 1Leech 2 nereis 3 Earthworm

5 Echinodermata These are mostly marine, unisexual, triploblastic animals having a tough spiny exoskeleton made up of calcium. Their body is unsegmented and hard with aradial symmetry. They have a developed coelom and derive their food from water vascular system. Have tube feet for locomotion They have “Regeneration “ capacity. Eg. star fish,sea-cucumber etc.


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