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Definition DNA Extraction is the isolation and purification of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
Examples DNA extraction is used to isolate… DNA can be extracted from…
Mitochondrial DNA Genomic DNA DNA can be extracted from… Cells or tissues Environmental samples ... any nucleated cell
Purpose of DNA Extraction
To obtain DNA in a relatively purified form which can be used for further investigations such as: PCR (polymerase chain reaction) RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) Southern Blotting
DNA Analysis Downstream techniques can:
Reveal how organisms are related Identify cryptic species Locate mutations in DNA
James Watson and Francis Crick (1953)
5' 3' 3' 5'
What are the essential components of a DNA extraction Procedure?
Maximize DNA recovery Remove inhibitors Remove or inhibit nucleases Maximize the quality of DNA
How Much DNA Can We Recover?
A Diploid Cell contains approximately 6 pg of DNA Sperm contains approximately 3 pg of DNA The average WBC of an adult is X 106 cells per ml of blood. Therefore, the theoretical recovery of DNA per ul of blood is ng.
How Much DNA Do We Need? The RFLP (or PCR) procedure on requires a minimum of 50 ng of high molecular weight double stranded DNA. This is the equivalent of approximately 2 ul of blood. The number of intact sperm ( 3 pg/sperm) is approximately 20,000.
Basic Protocol Most DNA extraction protocols consist of two parts
A technique to lyse the cells gently and solubilize the DNA Enzymatic or chemical methods to remove contaminating proteins, RNA, or macromolecules
What are the Most Commonly used DNA Extraction Procedures?
Organic (Phenol-Chloroform) Extraction Non-Organic (Proteinase K and Salting out) Adsorption method (silica-gel membrane) The method utilized may be sample dependant, technique dependant, or analyst preference
Nucleic Acid Extraction Requirements
1. Disruption of cell wall and membranes to liberate cellular components. 2. Inactivation of DNA- and RNA-degrading enzymes (DNases, RNases). 3. Separation of nucleic acids from other cellular components. • Extraction/Precipitation method • Adsorption Chromatography method
Creating a Nuclease-Free Environment
There are several things you can do to minimize the risk of exposing your samples to external DNases and RNases. • Autoclave solutions. This is usually sufficient for getting rid of DNases, and most RNases as well. • Treat solutions with 0.1% DEPC. DEPC inactivates nucleases by covalently modifying the His residues in proteins. Generally considered unnecessary for DNA extraction. Not compatible with solutions containing Tris or HEPES. • Have a dedicated set of pipettors or use aerosol barrier tips. • Wear gloves. You should be doing this anyway for safety reasons, but skin cells also produce RNase7, a potent RNA-degrading enzyme. • Bake glass, metal, or ceramic equipment at high temp.
ORGANIC EXTRACTION Perhaps the most basic of all procedures in molecular biology is the purification of DNA by organic extraction.
Typical Procedure Harvest cells 2 Cell Lysis 0.5% SDS + proteinase K (55o several hours) 3 Phenol Extraction gentle rocking several hours 4 RNAse followed by proteinase K 5 Repeat Phenol Extraction 6 Ethanol Precipitation
Cell Lysis Buffer - Non-ionic detergent (SDS), Tris-Cl, EDTA - designed to lyse outer cell membrane and nuclear membrane. EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic disodium salt) is a chelating agent of divalent cations such as Mg2+. Mg2+is a cofactor for Dnase nucleases. If the Mg2+is bound up by EDTA, nucleases are inactivated.
What does the detergent do?
Each cell is surrounded by a cell membrane DNA is in the nucleus of a cell, which is also surrounded by a membrane
The membranes must be broken open in order to get the DNA out of the cell
Detergent: Breaks apart membranes by attaching to the lipids (fats) & proteins in the membranes
The cell and nuclear membranes have been broken apart, as well as all of the organelle membranes, such as those around the mitochondria and chloroplasts. So what is left? Proteins Carbohydrates (sugars) DNA
Proteinase K - it is usual to remove most of the protein by digesting with proteolytic enzymes such as Pronase or proteinase K, which are active against a broad spectrum of native proteins, before extracting with organic solvents. Protienase K is approximately 10 fold more active on denatured protein. Proteins can be denatured by SDS or by heat.
Phenol/Chlorform - The standard way to remove proteins from nucleic acids solutions is to extract once with phenol, once with a 1:1 mixture of phenol and chloroform, and once with chloroform. This procedure takes advantage of the fact that deproteinization is more efficient when two different organic solvents are used instead of one. Also, the final extraction with chloroform removes any lingering traces of phenol from the nucleic acid preparation. Phenol is highly corrosive and can cause severe burns.
Phenol - often means phenol equilibrated with buffer (such as TE) and containing 0.1% hydroxyquinoline and 0.2% b-mercaptoethanol (added as antioxidants). The hydroxyquinoline also gives the phenol a yellow color,making it easier to identify the phases (layers). Chloroform - often means a 24:1 (v/v) mixture of chloroform and isoamyl alcohol. The isoamyl alcohol is added to help prevent foaming. The Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl Alcohol ratio is 25:24:1
Extraction/Precipitation Method
Step 3: Organic extraction Mix thoroughly with an equal volume of organic solvent Aqueous Centrifuge Collect aqueous phase e.g. phenol, chloroform, or phenol:chloroform Interphase Organic Perform additional extractions for increased purity Crude lysate containing nucleic acids and other cell constituents The aqueous phase contains water-soluble molecules, including nucleic acids. Proteins and lipids become trapped in the organic phase, and are thus separated away. Insoluble debris become trapped in the interphase between the two layers
Phenol denatures proteins and dissolves denatured proteins.
Chloroform is also a protein denaturant
Using Nucleases to Remove Unwanted DNA or RNA
Add DNase + DNase (protein) Add RNase + RNase (protein) Depending on when nuclease treatment is performed, it may be necessary to repeat purification steps for protein removal (e.g. phenol/chloroform extraction).
Concentrating DNA Alcohol Precipitation
The most widely used method for concentrating DNA is precipitation with ethanol. The precipitate of nucleic acid, forms in the presence of moderate concentrations of monovalent cations (Salt, such as Na+), is recovered by centrifugation and redissolved in an appropriate buffer such as TE. The technique is rapid and is quantitative even with nanogram amounts of DNA.
The salts interrupt the hydrogen bonds between the water and DNA molecules
The DNA is then precipitated from the protein in a subsequent step with isopropanol or ethanol In the presence of cations, ethanol induces a structural change in DNA molecules that causes them to aggregate and precipitate out of solution.
Concentrating DNA Alcohol Precipitation
The four critical variables are the purity of the DNA, its molecular weight, its concentration, and the speed at which it is pelleted. DNA a concentrations as low as 20 ng/ml will form a precipitate that can be quantitatively recovered. Typically 2 volumes of ice cold ethanol are added to precipitate the DNA.
Concentrating DNA Alcohol Precipitation
Very short DNA molecules (<200 bp) are precipitated inefficiently by ethanol. The optimum pelleting conditions depend on the DNA concentration. Relatively vigorous microcentrifuge steps such as 15 minutes at or below room temperature at 12,000 rpm are designed to minimized the loss of DNA from samples with yields in the range of a few micrograms or less.
Concentrating DNA Alcohol Precipitation
Solutes that may be trapped in the precipitate may be removed by washing the DNA pellet with a solution of 70% ethanol. To make certain that no DNA is lost during washing, add 70% ethanol until the tube is 2/3 full. Recentrifuge. After the 70% ethanol wash, the pellet does not adhere tightly to the wall of the tube, so great care must be taken when removing the supernatant.
Concentrating DNA Alcohol Precipitation
Isopropanol (1 volume) may be used in place of ethanol (2 volumes) to precipitate DNA. Precipitation with isopropanol has the advantage that the volume of liquid to be centrifuged is smaller. Isopropanol is less volatile than ethanol and it is more difficult to remove the last traces; moreover, solutes such sodium chloride are more easily coprecipitated with DNA when isopropanol is used.
Extraction/Precipitation Method
Step 4: Nucleic Acid Precipitation Before After After Supernatant 70% EtOH Centrifuge Wash Centrifuge Pellet Dissolve pellet (H2O, TE, etc.) • Pellet down nucleic acids. • Wash pellet with 70% ethanol to remove residual salts and other contaminants. • Discard ethanol and allow pellet to dry. • Pellet down nucleic acids. • Wash pellet with 70% ethanol to remove residual salts and other contaminants. • Pellet down nucleic acids. Add alcohol and salt to precipitate nucleic acids from the aqueous fraction
Non-Organic DNA Extraction
Does not use organic reagents such as phenol or chloroform. Digested proteins are removed by salting out with high concentrations of LiCl (NaCl). However, if salts are not adequately removed, problems could occur with the RFLP procedure due to alteration of DNA mobility (band shifting)
Non-Organic DNA Extraction Procedure
Cell Lysis Buffer - lyse cell membrane, nuclei are intact, pellet nuclei. Resuspend nuclei in Protein Lysis Buffer containing a high concentration of Proteinase K. Lyse nuclear membrane and digest protein at 65oC for 2 hours. Temperature helps denature proteins, and Proteinase K auto digests itself To remove proteinaceous material, LiCl is added to a final concentration of 2.5 M, and incubated on ice. Proteins precipitate out and are pelleted by centrifugation.
Non-Organic DNA Extraction Procedure
4. DNA remains in solution. Transfer supernatant to a new tube, care must be taken not to take any of protein pellet. 5. DNA is precipitated by the addition of room temperature isopropanol. LiCl will not precipitate with DNA. 6. Precipitated DNA is washed with 70% ethanol, dried under vacuum and resuspended in TE buffer.
Nucleic acids within a crude lysate are bound to a silica surface
Adsorption method Basic Principle Nucleic acids within a crude lysate are bound to a silica surface The silica surface is washed with a solution that keeps nucleic acids bound, but removes all other substances The silica surface is washed with a solution unfavorable to nucleic acid binding. The solution, containing purified DNA and is recovered.
Adsorption Method Step 1: Prepare crude lysate
Step 2: Adsorb to silica surface Apply to column Centrifuge Nucleic acids Silica-gel membrane Extraction Buffer composition favors DNA adsorption to silica: • Low pH • High ionic strength Flow through (discard) Nucleic acids bind to the membrane, while contaminants pass through the column. Having the ability to destabilize hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions.
Adsorption Method Step 3: Wash away residual contaminants
Centrifuge Wash buffer Nucleic acids Nucleic acids Flow through (discard) Step 4: Elute nucleic acids Centrifuge Elution buffer Nucleic acids Elution Buffer composition is unfavorable to surface binding: High pH Low ionic strength Nucleic acids
Evaluation of Nucleic Acids
spectrophotometrically quantity quality fluorescent dyes gel electrophoresis
Nucleic Acid Analysis via UV Spectrophotometry
DNA Absorption Spectra By measuring the amount of light absorbed by your sample at specific wavelengths, it is possible to estimate the concentration of DNA and RNA. Nucleic acids have an absorption peak at ~260nm. [dsDNA] ≈ A260 x (50 µg/mL) [ssDNA] ≈ A260 x (33 µg/mL) conc. DNA (mg/ml) = (A260 x R x 50)/1000
How pure is your sample? The A260/A280 ratio is ~1.8 for dsDNA. Ratios lower than 1.7 usually indicate significant protein contamination. The A260/A230 ratio of DNA and RNA should be roughly equal to its A260/A280 ratio (and therefore ≥ 1.8). Lower ratios may indicate contamination by organic compounds (e.g. phenol, alcohol, or carbohydrates). Turbidity can lead to erroneous readings due to light interference. Nucleic acids do not absorb light at the 320 nm wavelength. Thus, one can correct for the effects of turbidity by subtracting the A320 from readings at A230, A260 and A280.
Checking for Degradation
Running your sample through an agarose gel is a common method for examining the extent of DNA degradation. Good quality DNA should migrate as a high molecular weight band, with little or no evidence of smearing.
Intercalating Agents Distort the Double Helix
Several hydrophobic molecules containing flat aromatic and fused heterocyclic rings can insert between the stacked base pairs of DNA. These molecules are called intercalating agents. Intercalating agents are potential Cancer-inducing reagents.
Gel Electrophoresis of DNA
Separation of DNA fragments according to size, based on movement through a gel medium when an electric field is applied Agarose - a polysaccharide made from seaweed. Agarose is dissolved in buffer and heated, then cools to a gelatinous solid with a network of crosslinked molecules Some gels are made with acrylamide if sharper bands are required
A bit like electronic chromatography
The fragments are seperated according to size in process called gel electrophoresis
Make up the gel which the DNA will be put into
Square tray 2-3 cm of agarose gel which is left to set, can also be made of starch or polyacrylamide, special comb put in so that there are small wells left in the gel
A comb is put in the gel to create holes which we call wells
Dye added to the DNA Makes the sample visible when it is put into the agarose wells
Buffer solution added to the tank
This ensures that the electric current goes through the whole tank and that maintains that ions can move in the solution
DNA samples loaded into wells
Glycerol also in the loading dye
Electrical current applied to the chamber
Safety cover is put over the top and the current is switched on The dye will migrate through the gel toward the positive electrode, as will the DNA Depending on how much voltage is applied and how warm the gel is and size and shape of molecules will depend on how fast the mols move through the gel Smaller fragments will move easier so they will be closer to the positive electrode Once the dye has moved through the gel to the buffer, the electrical current is switched off and gel is removed from the tray
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