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Ever been in a dispute? Ever wonder what to do about it?

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Presentation on theme: "Ever been in a dispute? Ever wonder what to do about it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ever been in a dispute? Ever wonder what to do about it?
NEGOTIATION Ever been in a dispute? Ever wonder what to do about it?

2 Conflict is a part of everyday life
You can have disputes with your parents

3 You can have disputes with your friends
You can have disputes with your teacher

4 COMMUNICATE NEGOTIATION is the process by which people involved in disputes talk to each other about their problem and try to reach a solution acceptable to all.

5 NEGOTIATION Definition: resolving of disagreements; the reaching of agreement through discussion and compromise. Consider: You share a bedroom with your sister and are arguing over the way the room should be arranged and decorated. Should you run to tell your mother? Should you hire a lawyer? Should you rip up all your sister’s Backstreet Boys’ posters? OR -- your neighbor’s poodle barks all night long and you can’t sleep. Should you call the police? Should you take your neighbors to court? Should you get your two-barrel shotgun and blow away their dog? OR – You are really upset over something your history teacher said. Should you immediately report this to the principal? Should you threaten to litigate in order to get the teacher fired? Should you “key” the teacher’s car? NO! NEGOTIATE!

6 To resolve a conflict through NEGOTIATION come to the discussion with a sincere interest in settling the problem Listen carefully to the other person’s position. Do not let anger get in the way. Listen actively to the others person’s position. This means you must hear what is being said and understand it. Make eye contact, relax, and think carefully about what the other person is saying and ask good questions.

7 Use EMPATHETIC Listening
Think about the problem from the other person’s point of view. Think about the real, underlying issue causing the problem Think of as many solutions to the problem as possible. Together list realistic solutions both parties can live with.

8 COOL, HUH? It’s cheap It’s efficient It’s informal Most important,
it helps you keep friendships


10 Works Cited Arbetman, J. D., McMahon, E.T., and O’Brien, E.L. Street Law. St. Paul, Minnesota. West Publishing Company, 1994. “negotiation.” Encarta World English Dictionary. New York: BloomburgPublishing, 1999.

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