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Molecular Shapes Covalent Molecules.

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1 Molecular Shapes Covalent Molecules

2 Determining Molecular Shapes
Lewis Structures only show us the 2-Dimensional shapes. Not the 3-D molecules we see in the real world This 3-D shape is important in determining the chemical and physical properties of a molecule. Sugar, as an example, fits certain receptors on the tongue that sends signals to the brain. The brain interprets these signals as “sweet” tasting (a physical property). It is this particular shape that fits nicely into the proper receptors.

3 Lewis Structures Help Us With Shapes
A Lewis Structure can help predict molecular shapes Using the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory we can determine the shapes. The unshared pairs of electrons repel one another and migrate to as fair away as they can. Consider and draw the Lewis Structures for CO2 and SnCl2

4 CO2 Vs. SnCl2 Carbon Dioxide is a “linear” molecule
The double bond takes up two bonding sites. The other two migrate to opposite ends where the two oxygens bond to the central carbon. Tin (II) Chloride is a “bent” molecule This occurs because the two loan pairs of electrons on the Tin push the two oxygens away to form the four bonding sites we are use to.

5 VSEPR Theory According to the VSEPR Theory, the shape of the molecule is determined by the valence electrons surrounding the central atoms. Think about what would happen when the central atom is surrounding by three atoms. How will they arrange themselves around the central atom? Now, what if there were three atoms with the central atoms having an addition unbonded pair? HINT: Keep in mind we are always considering three-dimensions!

6 Practice With VSEPR Theory
Draw out the Lewis structure for BF3

7 Practice With VSEPR Theory
Draw out the Lewis structure for BF3 This formation is known as Trigonal Planar. So not we have linear, bent, and trigonal planar. Great test questions!! HINT, HINT!!

8 What if there are unshared electrons??
Draw out NH3 What is happening here? What shape would you call this?

9 Surrounded Central Atoms
Think about what happens when the central atom is surrounded by four pairs of electrons. Draw out the Lewis Structure for methane, CH4

10 Surrounded Central Atoms
Think about what happens when the central atom is surrounded by four pairs of electrons. Draw out the Lewis Structure for methane, CH4 Notice that on a FLAT PLANE these atoms are not as fair apart as they could possible be in a 3-D world. This is known as a Tetrahedron Shape

11 Unshared Pairs of Electrons
Unshared electrons influence the shape of a molecule but are not visible in the space-filling molecule. For example, the shared and unshared pairs of electrons in SnCl2 form a trigonal planar geometry, but the molecule has a bent shape. SO2 has a bent shape also, but has two unshared pairs of electrons. This is due to the “not visible in the space-filling molecule”

12 Predict The Following Shapes
Page 211: Predict the shapes of the following molecules and polyatomic ions. NH2Cl H2O NOCl NH4+

13 Molecular Shapes and Properties
A molecule’s shape affects both the physical and chemical properties of the substance. One specific property that shape determines is the polarity of the molecule. Recall: What is polarity??

14 In Other Words… Think about the molecule’s overall polarity like this:
You and a friend pull on a cart in equal and opposite directions. The cart does not move anywhere. The pull forces cancel one another out in the same way as the polarities do in carbon dioxide. Now, think about what happens when you guys pull will equal forces in nonopposite directions. If you pull it north and your friend pulls it west. The cart has a net force now and it will move. The water molecule has a net partial positive charge on the H side and a net negative charge on the O side. As a result, the molecule has an overall charge and is therefore polar.

15 Polarity Affects Many Things
Polarity can affect the strength of the molecule. It can affect how it interacts with other ions Charged particles will be attracted to the poles in a polar molecule. This is why water dissolves many substances. The Universal Solvent

16 Test Tomorrow!!

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