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Middle East topic analysis

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1 Middle East topic analysis
By Jeremiah

2 Possible Definitions From oxford dictionary
Middle east; An extensive area of southwestern Asia and northern Africa, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to Pakistan and including the Arabian peninsula. ISIL; A militant Islamic fundamentalist group active particularly in Syria and Iraq. Humanitarian; Denoting an event or situation that causes or involves widespread human suffering, especially one that requires the large-scale provision of aid. Defense; Denoting an event or situation that causes or involves widespread human suffering, especially one that requires the large-scale provision of aid.


4 Background info of the middle east
The Middle East is a geographical region that has been of great importance in history since ancient times. Strategically located, it is a natural land bridge connecting the continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations and the birthplace of three great religions--Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In recent times its enormous deposits of oil have made the Middle East more important than ever. Defining the Middle East. There has never been agreement on a definition of the Middle East. Historically, the region includes the lands that were formerly part of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire plus Persia (modern Iran), an ancient empire in its own right. Thus, the area occupied by the modern-day nations that emerged from the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, together with Iran, would come close to what we generally mean by the Middle East. An earlier term, the Near East, was at one time in common use. It usually referred to lands in the Balkan Peninsula of southeastern Europe that were also once under Ottoman rule, in addition to territory now considered part of the Middle East. The core of the Middle East today consists of the numerous countries of Southwest Asia and the African nations of Egypt and Libya. Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco are sometimes included in the region. Afghanistan and Sudan are occasionally included. "Background: Middle East." Scholastic Teachers. Scholastic, n.d. Web. 31 Aug

5 Possible topics Resolved, the US should provide humanitarian aid the civilians trapped in ISIL Resolved, the US should increase militaristic action against ISIL Resolved, the UN should recognize ISIL as an state territory

6 Should the UN recognize ISIL as an official state pros
Four qualities of statehood as defined by the Montevideo Convention. Permanent population defined territory Government Capacity to enter into relations with other states Isis is not just a terrorist group “In short, the ISIS threat is more akin to the state-sponsored terrorism emanating from Iran, Iraq, Libya, the Soviet Union, and Syria during the 1970s and 1980s. Groups with the known backing of states (such as Hezbollah and many of the Palestinian groups) had access to greater resources, more logistical support, better intelligence, better weapons, and wider networks than those that operated on their own” @foreignaffairs. "ISIS Is Not a Terrorist Group." Foreign Affairs. CAOF, 14 Jan Web. 06 Sept

7 Negative ISIS does not have a permanent population
It is still too early to determine whether the caliphate established by the Islamic State meets this requirement. After all, the citizens of Iraq and Syria who are now in territory controlled by the caliphate did not choose to tie their fate to that of the Islamic State; rather, they found themselves in their current situation because of the Islamic State's journey of conquest. Moreover, the citizens of Iraq and Syria who are under the organization's rule cannot oppose the organization without risking their lives; consequently, it is impossible to say that they chose to be citizens of the caliphate and that they are interested in realizing their shared aspirations within that State. ISIS does not have defined territory In the case of the caliphate established by the Islamic State, it is clear that the organization is exercising control over a broad swath of land, which is likely to continue growing. However, if the boundaries of territory under the caliphate's control were to shrink or become unstable, this would diminish the chances that this requirement will be fulfilled. More importantly, the manner in which the Islamic State acquires territory—by use of force and gross violations of international law—is problematic with regard to the question of the State's legitimacy, Shany,, Yuval, Amichai Cohen, and Tal Mimran,. "ISIS: Is the Islamic State Really a State?" The Israel Democracy Institute. The Israel Democracy Institute, 14 Sept Web. 6 Sept

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