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COS Standard 2 Part C Evaluate social and political origins, accomplishments and limitations of Progressivism.

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Presentation on theme: "COS Standard 2 Part C Evaluate social and political origins, accomplishments and limitations of Progressivism."— Presentation transcript:

1 COS Standard 2 Part C Evaluate social and political origins, accomplishments and limitations of Progressivism.

2 Comparing the presidential leadership of T. Roosevelt, W. H
Comparing the presidential leadership of T. Roosevelt, W. H. Taft, and W. Wilson in obtaining passage of measures regarding trust-busting, the Hepburn At, the Pure Food and Drug Act, the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Reserve Act and conservation 18-3

3 William Howard Taft Hand picked by TR Defeated William Jennings Bryan
Slow approach to solving problems Wanted to lower tariff rates High tariffs… limited competition hurt consumers protected trusts

4 Why was Taft unpopular? Joseph G. Cannon Richard Ballinger
Speaker of the House Pushed bills through without discussion People wanted him unseated Payne-Aldrich Tariff Raised some taxes instead of lowering them Richard Ballinger Secretary of the Interior Tried to turn over valuable lands in Alaska to a private business group for his own profit

5 Why was Taft unpopular? continued
Gifford Pinchot leaked to press scandal about Richard Ballinger and Alaska. Charges were groundless for Ballinger Pinchot was fired for disobedience Sold the Square Deal down the river: Democrats won majority in the House and Democrats and Progressive Republicans gained control of Senate from conservatives Brought twice as many anti-trust cases as TR Antitrust lawsuit against US Steel

6 Taft and Progressivism
Established the Children’s Bureau Fight child labor Conservationist Monitored mining companies Expanded national forests Protected waterpower sites from private development

7 US Steel and Taft Taft brought a antitrust lawsuit against US Steel
TR established TR criticizes Taft and decides to run against Taft in the 1912 presidential election.

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