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Robust Fisher Discriminant Analysis

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1 Robust Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Article presented at NIPS 2005 By Seung-Jean Kim, Alessandro Magnani, Stephen P. Boyd Presenter: Erick Delage February 14, 2006

2 Outline Background on Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis
Making the approach robust to small sample sets while maintaining computation efficiency Experimental results

3 Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Given two Random Variables X,Y n, find the linear discriminant  n that maximizes Fisher’s discriminant ratio: Unique solution : Easy to compute Probabilistic interpretation Kernelizable Naturally extends to k-class problems

4 Probabilistic Interpretation
The Fisher discriminant is the Bayes optimal classifier for two normal distributions with equal covariance. Fisher discriminant analysis can be shown to:

5 Using Kernels When discriminating in feature space (x).
We can use kernels: And show that  is of the form: A projection along  given by: And find  by solving: K_i,j = k(x_i,x_j) where x_I, x_j are data samples I and j.

6 Robust Fisher Discriminant Analysis
Uncertainty in (x, x) & (y, y) FDA is sensitive to estimation errors of these parameters. Can we make it more robust using general convex uncertainty models on the problem data? Is it still a computationally feasible technique?

7 Max Worst-case Fisher Discriminant ratio
Assuming ,where U is a convex compact subset. We can try optimizing: From basic min-max theory, we know (1)  (2)

8 Max Worst-case Fisher Discriminant ratio

9 Max Worst-case Fisher Discriminant ratio
Given , Because , (1) is equivalent to (2) which is convex and can be solved efficiently using a tractable general methods (e.g. interior point methods).

10 Experimental Results Two benchmark problems from the machine learning repository Sonar: 208 points, n = 60 Ionosphere: 351 points, n = 34 Uncertainty models:

11 Experimental Results

12 References S.-J. Kim, A. Magnani, and S. P. Boyd: Robust Fisher Discrminant Analysis. In T. Leen, T. Dietterich and V. Tresp, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 18, pp ,MIT Press, 2006. S. Mika, G. Rätsch, and K.-R. Müller: A Mathematical Programming Approach to the Kernel Fisher Algorithm. In T. Leen, T. Dietterich and V. Tresp, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp ,MIT Press, 2000.

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